
Responses from jay_douglas_2879b79

Are Classe Amps Good for B&W?
its a great match..period 
regardless of price - are these top notch amps ?
the odyssy is a really good amp. the speaker change should be to a more balanced floorstader like castle, b&w, kef, etc. the vr is a bit clinical 
Darn it...Odyssey Loreleis vs Tannoy Gold 12
given your musical tastes, stick with the odyssey, although there's lots of weight to your favorite music that the triode set up won't convey given its limits. a beefier push/pull tube amp will open up the speakers at low to mid volume as well ass... 
Why don't kids nowadays know about Jazz and classi
you can't expect today's youth to know much about jazz and classical music when they are not even aware of basic history, geography, and math. or perhaps jazz is no more relevant to them as big band or polka was to us. for better or worse, progres... 
McIntosh MA2275 v VAC Avatar Super
sonus faber speakers are a great match with ss mac. that airy quality you acheive with tubes of any manufacurer including mac, will come with a trade off. the sonus fabor design is inherently more about tonal accuracy than sweetness and air. 
Stereophile review- Fisher 500 C
tone controls are not on equipment(old or new) to correct design errors. they are a convenient way to correct sound recordings. many folks use interconnects and speaker wire to no more effect. 
Why are audiophiles perceived as being wackos?
the only hobby i know of built on faith, not fact. faith that a copper wire that costs 2k comes from a different source(perhaps another planet) than one that is a few dollars. faith that the propriatary and licensed technology in all cd players is... 
Why am I experiencing listener's fatigue?
you have a great system. but sometimes different is better. 
Why are audiophiles perceived as being wackos?
one more example....if it wasn't for nora jones being classified as jazz, sales of this music catagory would be smaller than someone's paper route 
Why are audiophiles perceived as being wackos?
here is something to think about. of all the hobbies mentioned in this thread, ours is the only one not growing. in fact, more music is listened to on pc's alone than all the audio systems(low,mid, or hi end) combined. any growth numbers are comin... 
What is the best value you have encountered?
of all time it has to be the ar turntable(xa and xb variety). still competes with tables several thousand dollars.....most recently the revox elegance cd player. sounds better than my so-called hi end player, and i recently compared it to a new, w... 
Progressive Rock
progressive rock often uses the studio as an instrument, so so the traditional audiophile qualities get thrown out the window, which is fine.........jane,barclay james harvest, rare bird,manfred mann's earthband... yeowza 
Have Linn Classik, upgrade to int amp & cd? Naim?
cyrus and soneteer components fall into the naim camp(rhythm) and revox elegence(tonal accuracy) into the linn camp. all are probably better bang for the buck at the moment. those revox pieces are the best kept secret(for the money) in audio. also... 
Amp for Shahinian Obelisks?
its a classical music thing. they throw a big as life soundstage without sacrificing weight. though different than a bose 901 or an allison 1,2, or 4, or a gradient revolution, or the klipsch legacy designs,the speaker uses the room it is in to fu... 
New speakers and excessive midrange
did you go from a more conventional driver speaker design to the omega? some of what you hear is break in, but some is the nature of any horn design and some is 'your ears' adjusting to the differences......some horn designs are easier to get real...