
Responses from jamesgarvin

Cincinnati, OH, any audiophiles?
softball is not until 9:00 p.m, so I think I could come and make it back in time. 
Cincinnati, OH, any audiophiles?
I'd have trouble driving up to Dayton on a weekday, particularly since I play softball on Thursday nights, and not even audio can interfere with that. 
Cincinnati, OH, any audiophiles?
Thank, Tom. Alas, I am leaving for vacation the evening of the 27th. I could make the 27th. If you have it in September, I'll be there. I remember how good your system sounded. 
New Gallo 3.5's
I've provided the link.http://blog.stereophile.com/ces2006//index2.html 
New Gallo 3.5's
As you may or may not recall, Wes Philips heard the 3.1 at, I believe, the 2006 CES, loved them, and requested a review pair. Apparently, Gallo promised him a review pair. After their non-appearance, I raised some questions, and got into a, ahem, ... 
Gallo ref 3.1 users please chime in
I am using a Music Reference RM200II, which a distinct improvement over my Adcom 555. My preamp is a PS Audio 4.6, which I'll probably upgrade next year to a tube pre-amp. Moving from the Adcom to the Music Reference taught me that the Gallos real... 
Cincinnati, OH, any audiophiles?
Drat. I never received the e-mail from Audiogon. I need to check here more frequently. Unfortunately, I am assisting my wife with a spaghetti dinner for 500 plus people at our local school on the 8th, and if I wish to stay married, I need to be th... 
Which speaker did TAS put in place of Gallo 3
I presume what the manual is referring to is that when you buy them in pairs, you are buying a mirrored pair, as opposed to a non-mirrored pair, rather than you can only buy them in pairs. 
Which speaker did TAS put in place of Gallo 3
This is not true. Both Gallo and my dealer confirmed for me that I could purchase a single reference 3.1. When I corresponded with them about this approximately a little more than one year ago, they confirmed that Anthony Gallo himself uses three ... 
Which speaker did TAS put in place of Gallo 3
a single reference 3.1 is not that much more than a reference center, so, for the extra few bucks, I would get a center that was exactly the same as the mains, which is the ideal configuration in a home theater setup. 
Which speaker did TAS put in place of Gallo 3
This news kinds of wrecks my plans. I had planned to purchase a single 3.1 for a center channel when I purchase a projection screen, but I had not planned to purchase a projection setup for about four to five years. Now, if I upgrade my 3.1 to a 3... 
Which speaker did TAS put in place of Gallo 3
Here is the answer. I corresponded with Gallo Acoustics, and they have informed me that the 3.1 will be discontinued, but that they will be coming out with another pruduct later this year or early next year in that price range. The 3.1 will appare... 
Cincinnati, OH, any audiophiles?
Sounds like a good time. I am already looking forward to it. And yes, I am willing to walk a few blocks from a parking spot. 
Cincinnati, OH, any audiophiles?
Tom, thanks for the relaxing atmosphere and great music. Your system really sounds good. I even got the last Mountain Dew. You must have a saint for wife who lets your system take over the living room. Many of us are forced into the dark, damp, da... 
Cincinnati, OH, any audiophiles?
Absolutely. Let me know the date and time.