

Discussions jafreeman has started

On the draining of resonance.....370233
Power Cords Rule992432
Does an isolation transformer improve a power cable?1591734
Would vinyl even be invented today?1040595
DIY Power Cable Report29184
If she isn't into the gear, is she into the music?244018
Do you suffer from ceruminosis?44488
Do you demag or destat your CDs/DVDS?1167073
REL Magic2340444
How Does Gold Wire Handle?698228
Are We Talking CDs And CDPs Out Of Existence?569023
Isolation Transformers--Richard Gray or Torus?209947
Furutech XLRs--shape of solder points?20181
Best solder for rhodium and silver?27561
Necessary to ground and XLR interconnect?162377