
Responses from jafox

Review: Aesthetix Callisto Signature Tube preamp
JD is quite a detailed writer. I had to smile and laugh and smile more as I could see he was very alert to my reactions (the good and not so good) of his system. Not only does he take the blue ribbon for noticing detail in his and my system far mo... 
What is a 'fast' amp?
I can relate to Teajay's definition. For me speed implies how well the amp can portray the leading edge of a note, i.e., the attack. And how much it handles the stacatto qualities of intricate piano and guitar playing. I have yet to hear a tube am... 
What is a 'fast' amp?
Wow, good description, Elizabeth. 
Calling all Aesthetix Callisto / Io Owners
A most valuable post indeed. Very much appreciated, Albert. I will try some of the recommended tubes to learn if they make as huge a difference in the Callisto as did so many tube changes in the Io. Fun Fun. 
Calling all Aesthetix Callisto / Io Owners
Fmtien: Advice from Tab110s was just what the Dr. ordered. The noise when I move the right volume pot is now gone. Very happy camper here. Concerning the number of steps vs. the BAT, the Callisto is more than adequate for me but the BAT does indee... 
Help with vertical Bi-Amping
To me Vertical biamping would imply one amp for the lower (BOTTOM) freqs and another for the upper (TOP) freqs. But this is unfortunately NOT the "definition". It is not about amplifier tiering. Vertical here means one amp drives one entire speake... 
Our we Lazy?
Chadnliz: I think you misunderstood Ciscomc's comment. He was echoing the use of "Lazy Audiophile" from the comment made in the last sentence by the initiator of this thread. 
Our we Lazy?
Unfortunately this thread is becoming a tube vs. SS debate rather than posts by people who have heard and owned many of the great solid state and tube amps and know very well the strengths of each. I thought the point of this thread was to determi... 
The elite phono stages VS. Full function Pre-amps
G_m_c: Read the page again. Michael Elliot writes that he will not handle the MC gain through active circuits but rather with an step-amp transformer because of the noise issue. It sounds like he has a few different companies that will source him ... 
The elite phono stages VS. Full function Pre-amps
Hello,I have been thinking exactly along the same lines. I too own a standard Io with one power supply and want very much to hear how an Io signature might be and the benfits of the 2nd power supply. I posted a question on this just last night. An... 
Calling all Aesthetix Callisto / Io Owners
Thank you all for your comments:Nkj: It's unfortunate that the PS's are pinned differently for the Io vs. Callisto. Must be a subtle difference needed between the two products. But that ends my chances of hearing either one at the moment with 2 PS... 
Best pre-owned subs below $1k?
I paid $1100 for a used pair of Velodyne ULD-12 powered subs a few years ago. These work so very well in a Home Theatre application. Having two of these allows for better bass balance around the room. My only complaint is that they are walnut whic... 
How good is Empirical Audio's Parasound JC1 Mod?
I don't know if I would discredit a review from a new member just because this is that person's first post here. But reviews on products that compare to other products, in this case, a stock model vs. a modified model, without the comparison being... 
CAT JL2 & Pre SL1 or Atma-Sphere MA-1 & MP-1
Rushton: I too was very surprised and disappointed in the MP3 I borrowed for a weekend. After reading nothing but the greatest praise of their amps for many many years, I had a lot of excitement to finally get a chance to hear this preamp....and i... 
CAT JL2 & Pre SL1 or Atma-Sphere MA-1 & MP-1
Pubul: I'm not sure I would agree with the "tonal correction" process through cables. Someone who buys the CAT gear is doing this to a large degree on the product's incredible dynamics and resolution. So many cables that may add warmth to the tona...