
Responses from jafox

Sonics of Soundlabs
Hello Chris,I believe we had an email exchange or two on amps and Maggies the last few months. As a Magnepan series 3.3/3.5 owner for 5 years and now running an older pair of Sound-Lab A1's, perhaps I can provide some information here as well.I ru... 
Review: Walker Audio Proscenium Gold Signature Turntable
Plato: If you read through many of Rushton's posts, you will learn the configuration of his system: the phono stage, the amps, the speakers, etc. He has his own reasons for not posting his system in one place which he recently explained to another... 
Audio Research LS-15 Infincaps
Rather than pay the ridiculous upgrades through ARC, or even consider the lateral move to the LS16, check out the awesome value on this unit:http://cls.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?preatube&1122492826The LS2, LS15, LS16, LS22, in any kind of up... 
Manley Neo-Classic500 vs VTL MB450
Here's the site to the amp in question:http://www.manleylabs.com/containerpages/500_Y2K.html 
Looking for an amp to drive Eidolons Vision.
Brian,When the timing is right, hopefully in a month or two, I will return to Lacrosse and can continue on my way to your place. I will throw the JL-3s in the car and bring them along. We'll need a 30A circuit for these however. Should be just eno... 
Which Audio Research gears are classics?
You want to hunt them down for the sake of owning them or because of their musicality? The D79, D150, SP3 are all popular favorites of the products in the 70s. But for many of us ARC fans, it was the SP-8, SP-10, D70/115/250 and M100 models that w... 
Looking for an amp to drive Eidolons Vision.
Thank you Rushton for the clarification indeed. When I write about experiences of one product vs. another, I try to be specific about the model numbers but sometimes I do slip up. This time I did not, but it would be easy for someone to conclude m... 
What's Absolute Best Upsampling CD Player $2K-$3K?
The EMC-1 is a wonderful sounding unit. I heard this on many occasions at a local dealer and was mightily impressed. I ultimately got the ECD-1 DAC and used this until I crossed paths with a Manley Ref DAC. For the value, the Electrocompaniet prod... 
Looking for an amp to drive Eidolons Vision.
Really good advice from Rushton on the "used-to-new" updates of the MA-2's. Now that sounds like a great value.I heard the MA-1's vs. the JL-2 late last year driving Sound-Lab U1s and both products were outstanding. For me however, I prefered the ... 
What can you tell me about First Sound pre-amps?
Wow Art, now the CAT? Very cool. You move so fast! 8-) Does your unit also have the phono stage or just a line stage?With all the discussion here with the CAT Ultimate having some impedance mismatch and other interface issues with amps, I am sure ... 
Review: Aesthetix Calypso Line Stage Tube preamp
Hi JD, you want to come over and have a listen to the Callisto with the updated tubes and try the WalkerAudio contact treatment? I also changed the cartridge loading on the Io and shuffled some things around in the room so I thnk you'd like the im... 
BAT to BAT - What's Best?
People don't spend thousands of dollars to get the 3-dimensionality, decay of notes, ambience, bloom, etc., inherent with BAT gear only to have it destroyed by cheapo cables. I tried 2 pairs of Belden XLR cables and they worked ok from sources to ... 
BAT to BAT - What's Best?
If you want to retain the harmonic richness and 3-dimensionality so strong to the BAT products, NBS Signature is a phenomenol value on the used market. It often sells for the same price as the Cardas Golden Cross and the NBS is far and away more r... 
I want profoundly better bass
Excellent recommendation by Frankg. I tried out the Khorus and could not believe the value and performance over Thiels. Outstanding bass dynamics and great great resolution. 
Best Phono Pre for Teres
Hey Bebop, I have seen the Io, non-signature version with one power supply sell here from time to time in the $3000-3500 range. I own this model and with the stock tubes replaced, it is phenomenol; my gut feeling is that it is more impressive than...