
Responses from jackhifiguy

How do you judge audio components and speakers?
@mahgister  Whose your Daddy now?? I think it's @pingstonsmile   
Why Do You Post?
To learn about things I don't know, or to give insight on things I am certain about.  
"World's Best Cables" vs Audioquest interconnects
To all,  Actually read everything I wrote on this discussion without being skeptical. Use your common sense. Use your brains. And you will realize that I'm right.  
Fear Inoculum in Vinyl
@ozzy62 Ozzy if I'm a troll, you must be donkey. Vinyl is an outdated, overhyped, technically inferior format. and on top of that vinyl is expensive.   
"World's Best Cables" vs Audioquest interconnects
And no, cables do not need to be burned in. Save 100 hours of electricity or more! There is nothing mechanical about a cable. A new car requires burn in, a new amplifier, CD player, Or DAC also does. But not cables. Cable temperature only rises... 
"World's Best Cables" vs Audioquest interconnects
If you want to be full proof, just keep your interconnects as short as possible and your speaker cables below the maximum length based on impedance and AWG. Cables are like a bridge for the audio signal and electrons to cross. Make sure that brid... 
"World's Best Cables" vs Audioquest interconnects
Your audio cables shouldn't change the sound of your system. Instead, they should simply allow your system to perform normally. Cable resistance is the most important thing. Then comes compacitance and inductance. If a cable measures well on an a... 
"World's Best Cables" vs Audioquest interconnects
Cables don’t burn in. Audio components do. Cables cannot transform a good system into an amazing one...unless you’re using the cables as a tone control. And of course, if your perceptions are in line with what you want to hear. Then you will be h... 
Source DA recommendations
TAD DA1000TX purports to have achieved DA conversion with virtually flawless accuracy. audio science review has measurements of top performing DACs, So pick your poison.    
You know you have audiophile system when...
No. It has been defined lol.   An audiophile is... : a person who is enthusiastic about high-fidelity sound reproduction. But a lot of folks here don't care about audio fidelity, they would rather have their systems sound a certain way and pla... 
Fear Inoculum in Vinyl
No. Vinyl has clicks, pops, and hiss. Even if you have an expensive turntable, your system will have nonlinearities that digital systems are immune to. Not saying digital is perfect, but it's still better.  
Fear Inoculum in Vinyl
@slaw  Even if that is true, it doesn't matter much. CDs have greater dynamic range than vinyl. And besides, we cannot hear ultrasonic frequencies and they do not exist in music.      
What are the good (inexpensive) headphone amps?
Douk Audio U3!  I bought it for only $40. Sounds great.  
Fear Inoculum in Vinyl
Vinyl is still a very flawed playback medium. Limited dynamic range compared to the compact disc.    
How do you judge audio components and speakers?
@pingstonsmile you said:   I’ve heard more BAD room than good by a long shot. Everyone was pretty too. Cost the people 100k and still sound like crap.. Do you think they would listen. NO to busy LOOKING rather than listening. It looks pretty ...