
Responses from jackhifiguy

@audiotroy    Sounds to me like you're trying to sell me on it. Well obviously, you're in business so that makes sense.   I didn't really understand your analogy..  
I watched some YouTube videos about it before Amir posted his review. Looks cool, claims are amazing from the company... I like to see that kind of confidence   
Thank You! @carlsbad I’m a bit confused now...after reading what you wrote and watching this video:   is this guy misguided? maybe delusional? Weird measurements? Like I said in a previous post a while back, I’ve heard some of the "top me... 
Fear Inoculum in Vinyl
You can't hear it, but the imperfections are still there...they still exist!   
The sound quality from DACs - is it all the same?
@mahgister  I think this would help to explain:    https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33873218/  
Fake Audiophiles
I would have to say I encountered a lot of fake audiophiles on here. They have no real knowledge   
What Luxman DAC to replace Hegel HD11 ?
Try the Loxjie D50. Any noise, jitter, or distortion it has is totally inaudible to us humans. It was designed with amazing measured performance in mind.  
Am I allowed to BARTER??
Buy a power cable that is rated higher than your maximum required volts. Thick cable = better. Lower AWG and monoprice makes some nice power cables. So long as the tolerances of electron flow are not surpassed, you have a perfect power cable. So... 
Audiophiles on Audiogon.
You guys are awesome. I was wrong.  
Fear Inoculum in Vinyl
Vinyl is just bad.    
How do you judge audio components and speakers?
Check out my latest post!  In it, I provide irrefutable facts. Try to disprove me if you dare.  
"World's Best Cables" vs Audioquest interconnects
@havocman  Answer the question, please.  
"World's Best Cables" vs Audioquest interconnects
@ditusa  Best you can do? Answer the question.... What changes in the cable to make it burn in?    
"World's Best Cables" vs Audioquest interconnects
If cable burn in is real... Then one of you tell me precisely what changes in the cable to make it burn in. Don't be a coward and ignore this question. There is no getting around it.  
How do you judge audio components and speakers?
Well, you can take the horse to water. But you can't make the horse drink the water.