
Responses from j_k

Amp suggestions for Audio Research LS-16
Audio Research VT100MK2 -- Stereophile Class A rated, reliable, and I have seen several on Audiogon at the $3K and below price point -- Highly recommended combination. I currently have the LS25 and VT100 combo and love it. 
4 ohm vs 8 ohm What is the danger ?
You could let the smoke out of your equipment.... This happened to me with a low end receiver on some high end speakers 2-4 ohm operating impedance... The protection was intact (rear panel fuse), the other protection that caused the unit to be sil... 
Theta Data Basic Remote Control
Try a Phillips Pronto... Pricey, but once you custom program with your system, you will love it.... $350 or so... 
I own the Avalon Arcus and have heard the Wadia 830 on my system. The rest of my gear is Audio Research Pre-Amp and Amp, Audioquest and MIT cables. What are your questions?? 
Speaker break in time.
I agree with the previous response -- what kind of speakers are these?? My Avalon Acoustics took ~300 hours of LOUD break-in time before they sounded proper.. I used a combination of dynamic music, pink noise, white noise, and the warble tone CD. ... 
"Feng Shui" and "Floobie Dust"
You can find a good selection of tweeks and the technology explanation by ordering a Music Direct catalog at www.amusicdirect.com... They have the Marigo and Bedini products. The official names are Marigo Orpheus CD Mat, Marigo Boundary Layer Opti... 
"Feng Shui" and "Floobie Dust"
Cables -- Yes there are pretty significant changes in the sound of silver and copper. The choice is yours to pick the one you like. I own a set of Audio Truth Diamond and also a set of MIT xxxxx Pro-line reference. As in one of the responses above... 
Magnepan break-in?
I used to own maggies, and I think that there is a couple of things to consider: 1) All speakers can take some time to "break in". Some as many as 500 hours. The Maggies I owned took at least 100hrs to sound the way that I heard them at the dealer...