
Responses from insearchofprat

Trying to find someone with a cable cooker in Metro NY
...don't know, can't say - happened in what feels like another lifetime ago 
Trying to find someone with a cable cooker in Metro NY
... using poured concrete; he ended up with moulded fiberglass... 
Trying to find someone with a cable cooker in Metro NY
No matter what either of you (or anyone by that matter) say: do whatever it is and evaluate the result. Reminds me of the guy who built a boat hull out of concrete - he got a result which narrowed down of his future options... 
Trying to find someone with a cable cooker in Metro NY
...OK NOW KIDS - settle down... 
Solid core Versus Stranded Speaker cables
Forum topic about cryogenic treatment of speaker cables (and other components...) 
Solid core Versus Stranded Speaker cables
Luv my homemade 12 gauge solid core copper wire speaker cables - now in the freezer after the forum topic/discussion and the info from geoffkait. They sound great now - reevaluation to follow in a week or so... 
Trying to find someone with a cable cooker in Metro NY
Well it's gonna be interesting to see what happens to the vinyl jacket around the 12g solid copper wire core. Package is in the freezer - should be able to give some feedback early next week...Thank you to all for your input -  but a special thank... 
Trying to find someone with a cable cooker in Metro NY
... I understand the " ...ramp down slowly..." ( in the frig) but sorry to be so dense - I'm confused by your terms " ... dwell for a couple days..."Please clarify what that means. Thanks! 
Trying to find someone with a cable cooker in Metro NY
Do CDs too? What other ends-of-the-bell-curve-ideas have I not heard of ? - I mean, things that can make a diff at minimal cost...PLEASE OFFER - don't anybody be shy... 
Trying to find someone with a cable cooker in Metro NY
I've got an extra set of homemade speaker cables (12g, solid core copper twisted 2 wires, with bare wire ends) - so I'll toss them in the freezer by the chicken, let it rest there for 30 days - then pull it out and treat it like a new cable (after... 
Trying to find someone with a cable cooker in Metro NY
geoffkait, glupsonI did not know anything about cryo, but now have gleaned from the cryo treater I spoke with, that he treats items with a cloud of gaseous nitrogen, not liquid...If cryo is "freezing", I'd assume that the colder the better - but n... 
Things that make you go, "Hmmmmm...."
CD Unit to buy: Marantz SA-8001. 
Trying to find someone with a cable cooker in Metro NY
millercarbonThank you for your knowledgeable information.ABOUT CRYO: Originally got a quote for 7 lbs for $75, plus shippng back and forth. After info volunteered by geoffkait in another topic, decided to investigate cable cooking further (geoffka... 
...amazed by 15+ year old interconnect...
geoffkaitThank you for offering up the info on a cable cooker and /or burn-in CD or LP... 
...amazed by 15+ year old interconnect...
Obviously - passion should pass-on ...