
Responses from insearchofprat

Small room amp and speakers recommendation
In my apt: my kitchen/dining room/game&TV space is approx 12x12, with sloping walls 5' then angled in... I'm using a vintage Pioneer Elite DVD/CD Player  ($50) into a vintage Parasound HCA-75a power amp with volume controls on the back ($250).... 
Cheap Speaker "Isolation" Solution for 300 lb. Speaker
I know you are gonna laugh BUT: for isolation under my 85lb speakers (Gershman Avant Garde RX-20), I am using tennis balls inside Tropicana Orange Juice bottle tops! - 4 per speaker (one in each corner). As long as your speaker bottoms are flat - ... 
Recommendation for an audiophile speaker cord that is not "bright"?
...just putting in my 2 cents worth: I am a big proponent of simple twisted wires as speaker cables. I don't have mega-bucks equipment or speakers - BUT JUST FOR THE FUN OF IT: go down to your local electrical lighting/supply place and get lengths... 
... How I should set the volume...
Thank you all for your inputs... 
Suggestions for bookshelf speakers that have great dynamics, budget of $500 used.
Vintage:  KEF Q1 (AMAZING SPEAKERS: plenty of detail with amazing midrange and sufficient bass for me); doesn't do well with music like the "AMERICAN IDIOT " CD or Big Orchestral pieces, but Opera, solo voices and Eagles-Kansas-RHCP surprising enj... 
... looking for info and opinions about the Primare S20...
...again rushing creates man-made error: CORRECT ITEM PRIMARE SPA-20 
Why discussions generate into personal affronts...
... sounds like we're all Rodney King or Stalin - no middle ground... 
Looking to find out more about the Audio Refinements Complete A power amp...
reubent and figuy: thank you for your responses...I would use this with my KEF Q1 speakers (high 80s efficiency) and biwired and/or biamp them: opinion?As a sidebar: do either of you have an opinion about the other 3 pieces of the set - the CD pla... 
Please help me decide...
Error: should be Denon DHA-800 - no Demon electronics for me! 
Please help me decide... considering trying a speaker cable - JW Audio...Power cord is older Silnote Audio Morpheus...helomechI agree with you: best to buy for the future. Leaning towards Yamaha or Demon integrated or even an AV receiver with multiple ch... 
Please help me decide...
Sorry : ERROR - presently the JBLs are not biwired, but I plan on biwiring the KEF Q1s... 
... how do I do this with an Adcom GFA-2535?
...I am assuming the, since there's been no replies in this new forum - this is not the way to achieve bi-wire and bi-amp speakers.Would I be better off looking at a Denon DRA- 800H receiver, and using the A/B selector to run both both speakers si... 
Funny Story
... No Bilco Door on the side of your house?  Might be safer and less expensive to install one; then do the ole slide it down the plank like they do in NYC. I'd avoid the method you are planning - those shoulder/back sling carry straps can be kill... 
What is wrong with audiophiles?
... I have found that as soon as ANYONE chimes in "...Can't Be ..." - the verbal gates of hell open, sane people lose their composure, and the gloves are off... 
Looking At CD Players
I luv my Marantz SA-8001 - an older top-of-the-line player, and would replace it with another in a heartbeat. Except for an older Sony or Phillips, I don't think you can do better for between $500-$1000... But none of these are gonna be balanced o...