
Responses from inpepinnovations1e75

Ok this will be a good thread.
Yes TWL and it is always the speaker that degrades the signal the most in any system, so it is always the one that needs the most improvement. You talk of the source having to extract the information, but all is for naught when all that wonderful ... 
Ok this will be a good thread.
TWL, Then, again, following your line of thought, the performers being the ultimate source and the recording venue and devices used to record the event, are not the most important element in the sound system either. Kind of ruins the 'source is th... 
Ok this will be a good thread.
Using that logic, Twl, that makes the room and the listener the least important! I don't think so.Bob P. 
HELP w/Preamp Polarity Inversion Problem
Plato, I don't understand your reluctance to use the polarity switch on one of your DACs, stating that using the switch introduces a switch into the cicuit. The signal still goes through the switch whatever position it is in!Bob P. 
Replace/Upgrade Oracle Alexandria tonearm?
MMCCOY,Check your e-mail. No problems with RB300 on Alex. MKIIISalut, Bob P. 
Who has the oldest speakers?
AR-4ax's bought in 1969. Still sound good as ambiance speakers. 
Integrated Preamp/Tuner?
I believe that MacIntosh had a few models in the '70s. I won't give up my Nak 630 Tuner-Pre-amp!. A most unique tuning dial (a real dial, round, not linear) with vernier motion. 
I need help, my system died
Elizabeth speaketh the truth 
Whats the best used tuner for under 1000
Ryan, actually your well written explaination can be applied to other electronics as well, especially the part about why people prefer certain poor tuners to others - they are not faithful to the signal coming in, but compensate for the poor origi... 
Passive Preamp Impedance Compatability Issues
Should work out OK with the Velleman. The out of the pre is 220 and the input of the K8022 is 5K which is more than the min. 10:1 ratio usually stated for good performance. same with the in to out ratio (at all positions except in the max. attenua... 
FM Reception question, please
It won't be long now and someone is going to claim that there is a difference in the sound of different antennas, besides noise, of course. 
Creative and cheap DIY turntable/tonearm tweaks
TWL, upon rethinking my concern for horizontal resonance at the frequency of eccentricity, that shouldn't be a problem, as the frquency will be either about .5Hz or 1Hz and the mass would really have to be high for that to occur. Also, I should ha... 
Creative and cheap DIY turntable/tonearm tweaks
TWL, If there is a large horizontal oscillation, as happens if the cutting path spiral is eccentric, then the large horizontal mass, as you describe it, works against the stability of the cartridge stylus pressure and skating.BTW, I think that the... 
neutrality vs. realism
Sherod, I didn't miss the point of your story, but what is most of audiophilia if it isn't picking nits. BTW, I did spell Royal correctly the second time!You and your friend were not really discussing which system was more realistic (both of your ... 
neutrality vs. realism
Crown Royale Bourbon!? I thought that Crown Royal was whiskey. No wonder you can't agree on "realism", you don't even know the "real" whiskey!Salut, Bob P.