
Responses from inna

Mono blocks that can provide that golden sound...
Yeah, well, I think you just have to find a way to keep the amps you have. As much as I like Lamm, I would see no point of getting them unless you actually like their sound with your speakers more than with Pass. 
Echole cables
Ebm, get out of my thread, please. 
Much better MM cartridge than Shure V15 IV?
Just to mention this, good turntable isolation can make a big difference. The rest of the equipment benefit too, of course. 
PS Audio: Power Plant Premier. How much ....
Yeah, this dictum about power amps is outdated. It was never correct for all cases anyway. 
Artists that deserve box sets
El Camaron/Paco de Lucia. Legendary flamenco performers. 
Music and gear
Well, she is unlikely to leave you because of seven pairs of speakers per se, but she might do it if she thinks that you might be losing your mind. 
Buzz from the speakers uding PC and Power Amp.
Wrong. Your speakers want to have nothing to do with the PC. That's the cause. 
Which companies deserve a star for Christmas
I only talked through e-mails with Lindy from Redgum Audio in Australia. Great. 
best overall speakers at low volume?
Agreed. Electronics matters more in this case. It has been my experience as well. 
Pass XA Monoblock Amps
Al, I wonder how those bloody Cardas cables contribute to the overall sound from the perspective you mentioned?Rocket science, anyone? 
SET sound without a lot of money
Obviously, I didn't mean building one by oneself. 
SET sound without a lot of money
Let's cut the shit. There is no good SET sound for not a lot of money. 
How do I know if seller is selling genuine cables?
Fake cables might sound good too, that doesn't mean that you want them.You could buy from me if I had anything to sell. I don't at the moment. That would be a guarantee. My cables are not fakes unless they are made so well that even the manufactur... 
Turntable under $1500 ..... Rega, clearaudio, or ?
Used Nottingham Spacedeck/Spacearm and a cartridge. That would probably be more than $1500 by $300-$400 if you want new cartridge. Never put German cartridge on British table - they won't match well. British, Swiss, Japanese, Australian OK. 
Much better MM cartridge than Shure V15 IV?
For this kind of music adding REL sub might be a very good idea. So do you want to upgrade the front end or "rear end" ? I bet both.