
Responses from initforthemusic

What amp is best with Wilson Sasha DAW speakers
Unless I've missed it I havn't seen an approx. Budget from the OP. Also while the OP has indicated a Signature Sound, which I find really good, they havn't indicated what styles of Music they will listen to. This should really help with recommenda... 
What amp is best with Wilson Sasha DAW speakers
I think your on the money steakster. 
What amp is best with Wilson Sasha DAW speakers
@rauliruegas I get that you love your Parasound JC1's, but to say they compete with any Amp at any Price is terrible advice to give on a Forum. While they are quite good for the money, they don't come close to Ypsilon, Thrax, Robert Koda, that I h... 
What amp is best with Wilson Sasha DAW speakers
@rauliruegas I was commenting on roberjerman's absolutely ridiculous delusional Statement that the Halo A21 is competitive with any five figure Amp! I can name dozens that absolutely thrash it!Then you come out with a similar ridiculous delusional... 
What amp is best with Wilson Sasha DAW speakers
"Get a Parasound Halo A21. A great amp designed by John Curl. There are several now available on EBAY. Around $1400. Spending more for a different amp is just throwing money away! The A21 is competitive with any five-figure amp!"@roberjerman   You... 
System Audio Ranger Masters
Well, I bought another Pair of SA Ranger Masters, this time for one of my Brother's. He likes them a lot.I also heard the SA Pandion 30's. Very impressive. I am intending to get an audition of the SA Pandion 50's next time I'm over that side of town. 
Vincent Audio SV-500 Arriving Today
@jay73                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Some Amps can take a long time t... 
Vincent Audio SV-500 Arriving Today
I got my Brother to get a SV-500. Although he's only very casually into Music/Hi-fi. He loves it. Absolutely annihilated his admittedly old Musical Fidelity B1. He's happy with the built in Dac as well.Over here in Australia, I have been fortunate... 
Use this song if you are doing an A/B with Preamps
Um, no thanks. 
RIP, Dr John
R.I.P. Dr. John. 
Unusual WT Versalex Noises
Realise this is an old post. That thump is the knot passing through the Pulley. It nearly drove me crazy. The cure is to get a super fine fishing line and coating with Wax. Hope this helps anyone with the issue. 
System Audio Ranger Masters
Hi James,I am sure you wouldn't be disappointed.With a high quality Turntable, Tube Phono Stage and Tube Pre-Amp the heavily modded/upgraded Dragons sound superb. 
Whats the best sounding tube cd player up until now? Vintage or newer.
Unison Research CDE. 
Top five live Rock And Roll Albums
@bdp24 Yes correct Neil Diamond was only there because Robbie was doing him a favour. Have also heard that when ND finished his set, as he was going off stage he quipped to Bob Dylan "Beat that!" To which Bob replied "What do you want me to do? Go... 
Anyone have experience with Vincent hybrid gear and electrostatics?
Good luck Mike,Hope they match well with your ML's.