
Responses from initforthemusic

Morrow SP7 Upgrade.
bondmanp: Perhaps if you contact Patrick, he may help with your questions. I personally found him very helpful. Good Luck. 
Morrow SP7 Upgrade.
@213runnin There are some poorly made Chinese products & some superbly made Chinese products. The MS Audio Silver Litz fall into the latter category. Beautifully made & finished, and such a solid feel, and their sound quality matches this.... 
Morrow SP7 Upgrade.
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Morrow SP7 Upgrade.
@213runnin Just listening to my Pioneer SPFS52's @ the moment, just ridicuously good for such little money. As I've previously mentioned people shouldn't be afraid to run good electronics through them. In all probability being a budget Speaker the... 
Morrow SP7 Upgrade.
@bondmanp FYI the Silver Litz RCA's that worked so well for me are from E-bay. They are MS Audio, Sunnytoto or Sunny Audio is the E-bay store. They were a bit cheaper than the MA4's with cu. Eichman's, but are a big,big step up overall. I have Cul... 
Morrow SP7 Upgrade.
@bondmanp In my main system I use a balanced pre-amp so use XLR cables. Anyway had a small issue with the Pre. so I placed in the Doge 8 which only has RCA in's but XLR outs. I put in a fairly new pr. of hybrid (copper/silver) RCA's. The reproduct... 
speaker wire recommendations needed
Cullen Cable, I'm using on mid & high frequencies on Revel Ultima Studios. Allows a very even transfer of signal. Ridicously good for little money. Bettered Kimber comfortably in an A/B when used full range. 
Morrow SP7 Upgrade.
Well, I've put some more time into the SP7's. What was interesting was I swapped in a different Power Amp which has only single Speaker outlets, so I put in a set of Bi-Wire cables and the SP7's sat there for a while before I twigged to put them b... 
Tube Preamp Recommendations?
G'day Robert,If you are lucky enough to find a Vincent SA-T8 then this will give you what you are after. Massive step up over an AR SP-6 & AI L3. Fully balanced all tube design, has massive soundstage depth & width & oozes musicality i... 
2017 Honest Cabling that doesn’t promote bankruptcy
Would be helpful to know the rest of your equipment blindjim. A lot of it is trial and error, getting the synergy right. For not much money I can recommend Cullen Speaker cables and  also his XLR's. A friend of mine got some of his RCA's and said ... 
Emotiva xpa 1 monos
I have a Emotiva XPA-2 that I purchased around 4 1/2 year ago, in my collection of Power Amps. I recently hooked it up to my Revel Ultima Studios with the sublime Vincent SA-T8 (with Psvane tubes), after it had sat idle for a couple of years. Afte... 
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
Nice try dynaquest 14, but it is impossible for me to compromise. Just have way too much experience with music to allow that to happen.  I judge everything on it's merits. In fact I have many cheaper components I rate higher than more expensive co... 
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
Well, never tried 5K Speaker Cable and unlikely to. What I can say is I bought some 14AWG Generic OFC Cable around 3 months ago to hook up a little set of Speakers that were sitting idle.On seeing this thread I decided to put the Generic Cable int... 
Morrow SP7 Upgrade.
Hey wolf, just a heads up. If ever you are looking to upgrade. I set up a system for a mate around 2 1/2 year ago. Just put in budget cables, Morrow MA1's was one of the I/C's, as get better components and look at upgrading cables later when budge... 
Morrow SP7 Upgrade.
I estimate I put about 50-60 hours on the SP7's in my little system. Had a music session with a few mates yesterday and the 2nd half I put the SP7's on my Revel Ultima Studios bass frequencies ( hey there driving two woofers each so I figure there...