

Responses from infection

Bob Carver Integrated Amp
Mono & Stereo had a piece on their website about Bob Carver coming out It's turning into a real gossip mag... 
To integrate or not...
@yogiboy  what did you have before Quicksilver? Why do you like Quicksilver?@noble100  what was your last amp prior to your current combo?I think I'll be keeping my Avantera III for a long time... Having checked out Raven I reckon the Reflection M... 
To integrate or not...
Thank you both for that; very helpful. I think I'm still a bit scared at the thought of making a mistake!I'm in the UK & there is nowhere to hear a Raven. Interesting you should mention them as I wanted to hear their amps a couple of years ago... 
GaN, Hypex & ICEpower
 I have yet to hear a Class D amp I can warm up too other than the now defunct TACT amps Which ones have you heard? 
GaN, Hypex & ICEpower
Don't forget Pascal by the way. They have their fans too. I see they have a platform called UMAC...which companies use it? 
GaN, Hypex & ICEpower
Thanks for the info. I am aware of the company Hypex & that B&O own ICEpower, I was just curious as to the difference in performance...Does anyone own a GaN based amp?  
Active or passive?
Ive done this demo (passive vs active) many times.  From your experience which actives do you think are exceptional? 
Active or passive?
First I'd have to believe that I categorically like tubes more than ss, and that's not true for many. What if the tube amp was a similarly priced good SS...? 
Active or passive?
But surely a good tube amp with a good passive will always sound better than a similarly priced active...?? 
Active or passive?
@georgehifi  so regardless of the synergistic elements of an active highlighted by ctsooner, the inferior mids & highs, for me then, doesn't warrant ownership. Ok, I don't think I've heard an active in over 15 years but from what's being menti... 
Active or passive?
@ctsooner very interesting... have you heard any active ATC models?@wolf_garcia  it's the same for me; although I'm running D class at the moment, I'll be switching to tube very soon... 
Active or passive?
I ask because hardly anyone uses active...are most of these amps $hit...?!! 
Has anyone seen this...?
The guy that I absolutely cannot watch is the AVshowreports guy, Peter Brueninger Lol! I quite like how odd he is...especially when he moves his hand in slow motion! 
Has anyone seen this...?
Do any of you guys have systems in similar states...? 
Has anyone seen this...?
@yogiboy  👍