Responses from immatthewj
Oh my goodness! Reasonable money will have a different meaning for each individual. +1 @russ69 . | |
When I listen to my system....... @immatthewj ....for yours unruly, it only made me worse and more demanding of being ’closer to the edge’.... That’s interesting, @asvjerry . Back in those days (and two or three years ago I practically quit drinking, so I guess I’ll include dri... | |
When I listen to my system....... Back when I was drinking and/or indulging in the recreational use of illicit and licit drugs while I was listening, my standards were different. | |
Oh my goodness! Every so often I actually buy some lottery tickets, and for a short time therefater I fantasize about what I’d do with a few million: Buy a bigger house that has suitable listening room. Hire an electrician to put in a few circuits in that room,... | |
Oh my goodness! I have thought of several approaches, to figure out how to have any budget - like putting x bucks a day in a piggy bank would let me proceed with a nice upgrade plan - but that's for another thread. Easy credit and bad debt is still another sol... | |
Oh my goodness! Sounds like you’re content and that’s what counts in life to me. Many people have little and are happy and many have much and are miserable. Being content is the biggest blessing I can think of. He freely gave to charity, he had the common touc... | |
Oh my goodness! $10.00 Next guess. | |
Is it me? Will I ever be satisfied? I Ain’t Ever Satisfied Steve Earle And the Dukes/Exit 0 | |
Oh my goodness! I remember someone here who claimed extraordinary results with a $500 system because he had the acoustics figured out. Ah yes, and he often got quite aggressive and defensive about his assertions. | |
Do you Know a Trusted Seller of Chinese Vacuum Tubes? Some JJ power tubes had serious problems ranging from premature death to pin size issues. This is heresay. @audition__audio , no sarcasm intended and not intending to be a grammar nazi, but are you saying that this statement is hearsay, or are... | |
Oh my goodness! and I am completely floored at the prices on some of the equipment I'm seeing. I just don't understand how people can spend the kind of money that this stuff is going for I guess not being a part of that sector of society has a lot to do with... | |
No discussion about the Synergistic Pink fuse? Why would they knowingly send out an inferior product if they know that the fuse is a weak link in the chain? @hannibal71 , I do not know Mac gear at all, but does Mac ship it out with the absolute best of the best electronic components in it... | |
When I listen to my system....... Well, it gives us all something to troll each over....;) I think you are on to something, @asvjerry . | |
When I listen to my system....... I do not understand the mentality of folks who listen differently than I "My way is the right way so therefore yours is wrong." | |
To all you Cary SLI 80 owners, I'm looking for tube suggestions I really loved the Gold Lion KT77 in my EL34 amp of the current modern offerings of EL34 tubes I thought it had the best tone and frequency response and overall excellent sound. @jond , I am pretty much clueless about this stuff, so the last t... |