
Responses from immatthewj

What made you change to a 6SN7 preamp?
"Unrelated to the thread topic but important to those looking to optimize their purchases regarding NOS tubes, Andy @ Vintage Tube Services is the guy. Give him a call, you’ll be rest assured he knows his tubes and upon ordering you’ll also find y... 
Need help picking my first tube amp
"Always been tube curious, i hear so much about them that i have finally decided to try them in a cheap way.  I have always been into music, amps, speakers, just never tried tubes." I guess that's kind of sort of the way it started for me almost ... 
Linlai E 6sn7 tubes
At the moment, I am looking for an upgrade from my stock EH 6SN7s, but I am afraid that these are quite a bit out of my price range. I'd love to hear 'em, though!  
What makes the biggest difference in sound quality?
The single thing that made the most radical change to my system was installing (to audition from a dealer) a Mesa Baron (dual mono block in one chassis) in place of my Cary SLA 70 (which is a basic stereo amp using 4 6550s & a couple of 6SL7s ... 
Looking for suggestions for a good and trusted tube dealer
I sure appreciate all the feedback! Brent Jessee did email me back. I had described my system, the room, & my musical preferences and he replied: "NOS tubes will be far better than the EH tubes you are running now.  I would suggest General E... 
Cary Audio SLP-05 First Impression
"The SLP-05 has been out for quite some time. I wonder if Cary is going to come out with a new preamp anytime soon.  I’ll be really angry if they do that in the next few months. 😀" I am usually wrong when I make predictions on this kind of thing,... 
Audio Research VT100 MKII retubing blew resistors
This thread brought back some bad memories. 20 years ago I had a pair of second hand VTM 120s; they sounded great and could rock out or play quiet, but I swear that I crossed my fingers every time I turned them on.  I got quite proficient at sold... 
Looking for suggestions for a good and trusted tube dealer
Thanks, Wharf, it was basically with that in mind that I was wondering about Brent Jessee and also how ordering from Andy was working out these days.  
Need help picking my first tube amp
Sorry I can't be of much help on that one, Mike.  I believe Prima Luna is a Dutch company that manufactures their stuff in China, but I am pretty sure they don't start at that price range.  The tube amps & preamps that I have had experience wi... 
Cary Audio SLP-05 First Impression
I enjoyed your write up. I picked up a "preowned" SLP 05 from Cary 7 or 8 months ago. It was an upgrade from my ancient SLP 90. I am finally getting around to shopping for different tubes. Oh, and color me ignorant, or out of touch, but what i... 
What made you change to a 6SN7 preamp?
Thanks lowrider & bigkidz!  
Looking for suggestions for a good and trusted tube dealer
Thanks for all the input! I sent Brent Jesse an email earlier, describing my system & listening preferences, and asking him what he would recommend.  I'll probably give Andy a call also.  25 years or so ago he did sell me some great sounding ... 
Need help picking my first tube amp
With that budget in mind, you might want to consider used gear. For example, I just got this email from Cary Audio today, although I am pretty sure it doesn't have a headphone jack.  You might take a look on ebay and see what all is up for sale. ... 
Looking for suggestions for a good and trusted tube dealer
Thanks for the feed back.  FWIW,  I like his site.  
Looking for suggestions for a good and trusted tube dealer
Thanks for the feed back. I was reading on Andy's website that he himself does everything from taking the order to matching/testing, packing and finally shipping.  I am looking for the personal touch and attention, but I was wondering if that adv...