
Responses from imintohifi

What's the best EL84 amp?
I’ve had experience with two EL84 amps, both of which I’ve kept in the mix over the years. Vintage: Eico HF-81. Great midrange, hard to fault, except for low damping factor. My more powerful Anthem Integrated 1, with a quad of el84’s, has proved a... 
Help. System sounds thin and bright or harsh
Following this thread with interest, as I've had this issue crop up over the years across different systems. The last comment above rings true. I'm dealing with fewer variables in some ways, as the cost of my gear hasn't justified investing in hi... 
Do you build anything for your high fidelity system? If so, what do you make?
Great thread! I get a lot out of adding "handwork" that helps my systems sound and look good. For example: -Rebuilding a Lenco L75 in a custom designed phenolic resin plinth -Designing and building custom stands for my Quads -Building custom ...