
Responses from imin2u

Backing Away from Stereophile Class A
Mark, great observations. I totally agree with #2, #3, and #4. I haven't been able to acheive #1. What is your analog set-up? And I have no experience with the DACs in #5. I'm still deciding #6. Does a $1200 amp beat a $500 Legacy or Rotel? 
The best Carl Orff Carmina Burana?
Twl, I'd usually say "forget it" to Orff on vinyl (just because I like to lay and listen to it completely) but your description has made me a believer. And I work in Kearny! And in direct response to Nrchy, I'm trying to find a cd copy on Quintess... 
Desperately whatever cost........
Albert, you didn't even charge Mlawitm a finders fee! I have many of the rarest cds and I couldn't come up with a copy. Maybe you know where that elusive Frank Zappa two discs on one cd combo of "Ship Arriving To Late / Man From Utopia" is. I'll pay. 
$1,500 to spend on a tubed full function pre
Phild, I second the Audible Illusions suggestion. 
1st song you remember???
Some Ventures song off the silver covered surfer album. I was three and called it the "Rub-A-Dub-Ba's" because that's what the guitar sounded like. My parents still have a film of me queueing that song up over-and-over. Yeh. I was into this hifi t... 
I close my eyes
I didn't know there was another way to listen. 
recommend a simple but hi-quality active pre-amp?
Definitely Audible Illusions. Period. 
What about South America and Antarctica?
Please don't joke about what happened on Sept 11th.I worked on the 95 floor of Building 1 for Marsh. (The one with the antennae). I still really miss my freinds and can not believe the buildings fell.Jeff Robinson was my best freind, work-mate, hi... 
NHT Sub Two Owners
Emom, where can you get the close-outs? Is this at any NHT dealer? 
What is a "transmission line" speaker?
The best speakers I've ever heard were a transmission line design. I'd tell you the company/model but I never see them up for sale and I don't want more competition when that day finally arrives. I hate being "ratty" but I've been waiting for 3 ye... 
ButtKickers. Experience Anyone?
I was at the Rangers/Devils game last night and WOW! I saw some REAL ButtKicking! 
What's the music at the start of Sean Hanitys show
Yes, It blew my mind the first time I heard it. I have six version's now and listen to the whole thing atleast twice a week. A REAL pleasure to relax in front of your system with. 
"Neutral" speaker cable, around 200 used
I've found the Staightwire Maestro and Wireworld Polaris serie's to be the closest to nuetral sounding. PLUS, they can be had for much less than your budget at one meter. I have over ten companies/inter-connects I've tried in the $100-$300 range. ... 
Your ONE all time favorite love song?
Don't FORget the mega-hit by FOReigner "I've Been Waiting FOR A Girl Like You" FROm their album FOuR. 
Tired wiating - good Bryston/what else to get?
I don't you can beat Rotel amps at the below $1000 price-point. They're smooth and full of low-end.