Responses from ianrodger
Whats on your turntable tonight? Dust | |
Sound Quality of red book CDs vs.streaming I stream Tidal via an Antipodes server/streamer which is full CDs ripped in FLAC, by the Antipodes. There is no obvious difference, to me, between these FLAC files and Tidal.However, CDs ripped by the Antipodes DO sound better than previously reco... | |
Where do cables upgrades have the most impact? rather than buying 4 new power cords at say, $400 each, buy a power conditioner/surge protector that delivers stable voltage and current for around $1000. I'm in Australia and purchased a locally made unit, the Thor PS10 which comes with a first c... | |
Music Server/Player for NOS R2R DAC @jdavis37 you probably spoke to Tony at Antipodes. What a terrific support person he is. Any issues at all, he can remotely access your PC and set everything up to work exactly how it should, or how you want it. My DS has USB and SPDIF outputs ... | |
I like my system flat, no tone controls, no eq..........what is your preference, and why. I have always understood "flat" to mean that if there are tone controls on your amp, leave them centred - no promotion and no restriction of high, mid or low frequency. It used to be said that if you were using them, your gear was sub-standard. Yo... | |
extra links in the supply chain and do they affect performance? thanks guys, I'll be checking them all out before purchase | |
extra links in the supply chain and do they affect performance? thanks Bob, yeah, I'm just after the connectors. I'll check them out | |
DAC's : The missing feature: Signal quality I remember a Darko review of a DAC, Schiitt from memory, where he stated that the pulsing (my word) of an input light meant that the upstream source signal was not as good as it could be, due to jitter (again, my word).So, the technology out there. | |
Drink of choice for serious listening? Coopers Pale Ale, the best damn Aussie made beer on the Planet! | |
Whats the FATTEST sounding Tube amp to warm up Lean speakers? I just rolled out some well matured Brimar 6L6GCs and put in some lightly used Valve Art KT66s.The Brimars sound raunchier but a little lean.The Valve Arts have a much better bottom end but sound airier as well. These will be staying put for quite... | |
Your Forever Pieces? What and Why? My Klipschorns, bought used by my late father in 1980 and handed down to me in 1998.My KEF Transmission Line speakers which I built in1977.My Rega 3 TT, which I bought in 1981.My Mullard 10/10 amp, built in 1966, lightly used, still with the origi... | |
My first Tube Amplifier A Mullard 10/10, which actually puts out 12 watts. Built in 1966 but never used and bought by me around 2000, still with the original Mullard valves. It has been recapped and the volume pot replaced and is still in occasional use. Looks like hell ... | |
What are you streaming tonight? AC/DC on Tidal via Roon. Good old Aussie Rock n Roll.Camel, Budgie, Rush! Love 'em all! | |
Apple vs Amazon mate, if you're happy to try any free trial, have a listen to Tidal. All Redbook CD quality. I tried them all and Tidal is by far the best imo and on my system. | |
DAC Confusion david,if you do consider an integrated amp/dac solution, Peachtree are well worth considering. They are a sonic and visual delight imo |