
Responses from huntermusic

Which preamp?
I am inclined to agree with you. There is no question however that the Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista SACD player sounds clearly better on redbook CDs and of course SACD. It sounds so much better that I have immediately begun thinking about upgrading ... 
Need Help with Hum
You guys are great. I printed out all your suggestions and will discuss with the electrician. I will only fiddle with wires myself as a last resort. Thank you so much. This is why I love this sport.h. 
Krell Service
Wow! A Krell thread that is not about bashing Krell. I am impressed. Now I just have to get the amp out of the box without tearing my pants or cutting my shins. 
Best 5 engineered rock albums?
BREAKAWAY Art GarfunkelCRIME OF THE CENTURY SupertrampNIGHTFLY Donald FagenPOP POP Ricki Lee JonesTRIO Dolly, Linda, Emmy lou Harris10CC any early album 
Krell questions and comments
I am listening to a Krell 400cx and a Krell KPS-25sc with CAST cables into JM Lab MIni-Utopias with a JM Lab Sub-Utopia. All with Siltech cables. The living room is open and very well damped. The sound is fantastic even to others who do not love K... 
Has anyone heard Piega speakers?
By the time the office has a desk, furniture, drapes, couch, area rug, bookshelves, CD shelves, etc., it will seem smaller. It really will be an office. I think the layout would allow me to have small speaker on stands on the short wall but I defi... 
The Worst Speaker you have ever heard.
Without a doubt, Wilson Cubs. After I plugged them in and put some music on, my wife immediately came into the living room and said, "Wow, those are bright speakers."My ears still hurt when I think about them. Like fingernails on a blackboard.I ow... 
Krell KPS25SC- How good is this piece really?
Aside from enduring the withering criticisms on Audiogon and similar sites I think you would hear that this piece is very musical and easy to use. I don't think most people have heard this unit. I use mine with a FPB 400cx with the CAST cables and... 
Anyone have any experience with in-wall speakers?
Thanks for the insight. This office is going to be for working at home. I am in the music business and have to listen often for work, make dubs, assemble track selections, send tracks on computer, etc. The room will be a bit of a pleasure room for... 
Most Sublime Beethoven Symphony
My recommendations are:For a new perspective listen to John Elliot Gardiner. Great sound, new scores prepared from from Beethoven's manuscripts, wonderful playing and conducting, and a true "classical" sound, authentic to the period. For simplay m... 
Excellent recording of Mozart Jupiter No.41 ?
The greatest performance of this symphony bar none is a late fifties recording by Fritz Reiner/Chicago Symphony. I don't know it is available anywhere but it was aprt of a set "The Last Three Symphonies." The sound is good but the performance is a... 
How does one get off the merry-go-round?
I kicked the habit completely for 20 years! Got rid of all my audio equipment; i was buying and selling every week! I doubled up my opera subscription, bought tickets to three Carnegie Hall subscriptions every year, went to jazz clubs a couple tim... 
power cords and krell amps any suggestions?
I am listening to Krell KAV-250a and KPS-25sc. I upgraded the power cords to Siltech SPO-18 one meter cords and thought the difference was slight but definitely more musical and relaxed. The difference is noticeable in an A/B comparison. E-mail me... 
TRIO Dolly Parton, Linda Ronstadt, Emmy Lou Harrisproduced by George Massenburg.Mozart Wind Serenade K.361 conducted Otto Klemperer. Simply incredible. 1963 Abbey Road Recording. Out of print, even in CD, but worth the search.DUKE ELLINGTON "Blues... 
Safe audiogon transactions; lowering the bar.
I just bought a very expensive piece of gear on Audiogon. I sent a personal check and after it cleared drove a couple hundred miles to pick up the pre-amp/CD player and had a great day in the seller's listening room. We both brought some of our fa...