
Responses from hotmailjbc

Considering analog...but nervous
education generally costs time and money. get a turntable and some records. 
Most Beneficial Cable Upgrade
you don,t get it do you? i can hear. you must let the power cord have some energy thru it for a while for it to settle in. this makes a/bs virtually impossible. if you can't hear a difference then that is your problem. a/bs have been discredited a... 
Most Beneficial Cable Upgrade
i know because i can hear. i understand music.i have been a industry professional since 1975 with many systems. i listen for a week or so and don,t just switch back and forth. i don,t have a team of roadies to make the switches and run a/b tests. ... 
Emotiva XDA-1 DAC?
i just typed in reviews of emotiva dac and then later reviews of emotiva xda-1. there are forum threads with comments on the specs, pictures and some comparisons and opinions. audioreview,,,emolounge review,,,head-fi,,,,,,chase home theatre,,,,com... 
Emotiva XDA-1 DAC?
i.ll look around and get back later. i havn,t bookmarked any 
Considering analog...but nervous
if you lived near me you could borrow mine for a couple of weeks and a dozen good records and hear what your system would do with a turntable. i wish there was anyone out here in the ozarks that was into music and audio gear beyond a stringed wash... 
Emotiva XDA-1 DAC?
hi emotiva lounge has the first users[ as you mentioned they are taking orders] of this as it is a site for users of emotiva gear. i also have emotiva gear but already bought a mf v-dac so i,m set. reviews are strong so far and it has flexibility ... 
Why do subs sound bloated or slow?
i couldn,t live with my magnepan mmgs without dual 10inch velodybne subs. i hate boomy bloated sound. it takes some work and adjustment to get everything the way you want it. good questions and answers. 
Best speakers for my system
i have a question? how did you find gear like you have without being exposed to some good speakers? i am not being sarcastic ok? i am sure they didn,t just pop up at the local garage sale and if you want to drop up to 12k i am sure there are some ... 
Considering analog...but nervous
lps are fun but take workcds are fun and easydownloads are dangerous because you can spend money 24/7being an audio enthusiast is fungo for it 
Most Beneficial Cable Upgrade
i totally agree. but the bass gets better with upgraded ac cords! 
Most Beneficial Cable Upgrade
last week i took my morrow sp3s out and put my kimber 8tcs in. for the next 2-3 hours it was pretty rough to say the least. i let the system play all night and the next day it was nice and smooth and musical. so for those keeping score,,,ha!!! the... 
Most Beneficial Cable Upgrade
some very well made arguments here. i once went 100 mph in a vega automobile and later went 100 in a porsche. psychologiclly the vega ride scared the hell out of me and the porsche seemed like i was going 42mph. maybe my analogy isn,t perfect but ... 
Most Beneficial Cable Upgrade
in the late 70s i was a rep for some very high end companies and the company i worked for was the first monster cable reps in the midwest. sorry. ha. after using different speaker wires, cables , ac cords for 30 plus years i am simply amazed that ... 
Peachtree Decco 2 setup...
hi, i have the decco and it is a bit different than the 2 in the dac area and some features. it does have a soft sound because of the tubes imo. and there is some compromise in the amp section but your report is the first one i have ever seen wher...