
Responses from hotmailjbc

Most Beneficial Cable Upgrade
i would like to know if it is the wire, the configuration/design or amount of wire, or the better plugs. maybe it is a combination of everything. 
How can anyone afford this ?
man people here really like to dish it out but sure can,t take any opinions other than "believe what i believe" or "buy what i buy" blah blah blah. typical a retentive audiophiles compensating for their shortcomings. trying elavating your consciou... 
How can anyone afford this ?
frogman, you assume so much and dance on the old mantle of i crawled here without a penny from a cursed socilist country blah blah blah. wrap yourself in the flag and you can be somebody. i too came to life here without a penny and made it. i also... 
Most Beneficial Cable Upgrade
last night i put a ps audio powerpunch [40 dollars] ac cord on my decco/mmg bedroom system. straight to the wall/ no power conditioner. if there is anyone here that says i didn,t hear immediate improvement in 3d, openness, musicality i will ship t... 
drive by truckers
can,t wait. on itunes you get a bonus song not available on the cd. on amazon you get your cd a day early if you preorder. 
Personal speaker evolution
utah 3 ways in collegeheil emtallison onesmagnepansDAHLQUIST 10sstacked adventsbose 901adcm timewindowsmission 700b and w 601mbquart model 3MAGNEPAN mmg w/ dual VELODYNE subsi really enjoyed them all except for the 901s. horrible speaker 
How can anyone afford this ?
trickledown economic policy is just another bunch of hogwash you swallowed irroniclly on ronnie raygunz 100 birthday. hang on to your most cherished fantasies. when speaking about forgetfulness speak for yourself and not the 'we'. by the way unemp... 
How can anyone afford this ?
frogman.. most wealthy people either inherited their bounty or made killings based on POLICY.. see wall street and bankers. to put down people of lesser wealth with the why don,t people work harder is just more of people participating in there own... 
drive by truckers
mike,i wish shonna and cooley would put out solo cds. thanks for the review. have you listened to jason isbell's solo cds? 
Best drink while listening to your rig?
can.t afford maddog so i stick with thunderbird. ha 
Top 5 Rock n Roll Vocalists
the guy from bad company can really sing 
How can anyone afford this ?
i can live like a millionaire in the ozarks. ha. and i never wait in line or spend more than 5 min a day in the car. and if you mind your own business there is no crime. plus there are no audio salons to tempt me with upgrades. i love visiting cit... 
Diffusers for magnepan speakers
with this small rectangular room [12 x 16] i had serious standing waves and boomy acoustics with my magnepan mmgs and my older mbquart towers. i put the m green smaller corner tunes with the absorber side out and the slender pillows midway along t... 
Diffusers for magnepan speakers
i didn,t like acoustic treatments hung behind my mmgs speakers but they are easy to move and experiment with. your room is the same shape as mine but i have pictures, books, cabinets, wall art/objects everywhere. a neat freak would have a nervous ... 
Diffusers for magnepan speakers
i am drawing the conclusion that magnepan has been responsible for more audiophiles tweaking everything than any other manufacturer. i of course have ficus trees, tape on floor to mark location, tube traps, acoustic panels, homemade stands and bra...