Responses from hk_fan
Used Levinson 532H or Krell FPB 400CX I was not impressed with any of the "h" stuff from Levinson. The Krell is a better amp IMO but I think the FBP is pretty long in the tooth unless it’s recently been redone.There is a used pair of JC1 mono's for $5k, there probably is some wiggle r... | |
Reliability of Cary Audio Products Their whole corporate ethos changed after Dennis Had left--it's like two different companies, pre- and post- that event.Completely agree. The current Cary is run by an accountant and it shows. | |
Purchased new speakers, need amp suggestion I'll second the Parasound recommendation by @helomech | |
Goodbye iTunes for Mac I've been on Catalina for about a week now and no complaints. I use a mac-mini server streaming Tidal but haven't upgraded it yet. Never been an iTunes fan and only use when I need to. | |
See Ayre QB-9 Twenty Upgrade Announcement I know! It's killing me to see how good it sounds with the new updates. | |
See Ayre QB-9 Twenty Upgrade Announcement Anyone heard this yet? | |
$1300-1500 DAC Another vote for Ayre. | |
TRL WON'T GIVE ME MY AMP Completely agree with @moto | |
Amazon Launches Lossless "Hi-rez" HD Music Service @uberwaltz - I will have to check Qobuz out! Thanks for the recommendation! | |
Amazon Launches Lossless "Hi-rez" HD Music Service @uberwaltz , I'm not a fan of the Tidal ownership so as soon as I can find somewhere else to spend my money for an equal or better product I will. | |
TRL WON'T GIVE ME MY AMP I disagree. A personal attorney should charge an hour or so to compose a letter and send it to TRL. That will get their attention and more than likely result in a returned amp. | |
Amazon Launches Lossless "Hi-rez" HD Music Service This is awesome, I can't wait to dump Tidal. | |
See Ayre QB-9 Twenty Upgrade Announcement Wow, fantastic news. I love my DSD but certainly would consider a Twenty upgrade. Can't wait to hear some reviews!!Thanks Ayre for keeping the QB-9 alive! | |
Bookshelf Bake Off I've always been impressed with the Aerial 5B's, the 5T's are even better. | |
Why are there so many PS Audio BHK-mono or stereo amps for sale? What Gives? Everyone getting ready for the next flavor of the month? |