
Responses from hifitime

Experience with high end fuses????
Some of them have a picture of a diode/rectifier on them.If theirdiagram on it is true,it may cause damage to the power supply bypartially rectifying the A/C needed for the power supply.The otherslook the same as a stock fuse available at Radio Sh... 
Cold room, Bad for equipment?
The cooler,the worse I'd think.When you turn on cold equipment,it will most likely have more inrush current,shock, and condensation. Also,if you have natural gas in your house,maybe you can have an extra gas line run to your garage.Then use the ab... 
So Many Choices - PCords for Digital Sources?
They sure do like to make a lot of money.The power cord suppliers that is.What more can they do than one of these? Its shielded too.[http://www.audioadvisor.com/prodinfo.asp?number=PGAC14&variation=1] 
Source for good 10/3 or 10/4 Home wiring cable?
It might be a good idea to have everything checked out.A lot of old houses have the polarized outlets hooked up backwards.Poor,or no grounds also.A friend of mine had a historical house that had fuses in the neutral,and grounds!They also soldered ... 
Importance Of Power Supply : Transformer Ratings
A good amp using a 400VA transformer can sound fine.If it has a 500VA tranny,it should have more reserve power when needed.That is not a guarantee for better sound though.I myself go by the sound of the amp,plus the reputation of the company makin... 
review 'db audio labs tranquility dac
A lot of competition for less money.♫ 
Wall plugs for Am and Pre-Ame
Hubbell hospital grade.Link>>[http://www.hubbellcatalog.com/wiring/catalogpages/section-i.pdf] 
How to test a used amp?
You mentioned a multimeter,checking each speaker output on AC and DC setting sure can't hurt.On a amp that has a slight hum,I get under 1 volt (it needs a new cap).A good amp was giving almost 0 millivolts with no speaker load.A tech may have bett... 
review 'db audio labs tranquility dac
I would have to agree with Trebejo. 
How to test a used amp?
I don't know of any tests off hand,but hook it up to speakers that are disposable ,and may have a fuse protecting them first.Even if the seller is honest,who knows what it went through in shipping.The monkey that grabs your baggage in a commercial... 
EL34 Replacement Tubes
I like the Winged "C" tube for those characteristics,plus they're very musical.The last time I recommended them,a lot of people said they have to much treble loss.I guess it depends on what makes your ears happy. The second choice is Tesla(now JJ)... 
Length of speaker cable effect bass response?
If you go with the Home Depot 12 gauge wire,keep an eye on it.I had it in a bedroom,and it was turning green inside it behind the dresser.It seemed like a good buy.They may have a different brand by now. 
Power Cables which take the soundstage back
They have a good money maker going.They have a huge markup and the advertiser/reviewers love it. A $20 cord will bring you all the same dirty power you need.I've heard mega buck cords at home,and in mega buck systems($300,000 systems is mega buck ... 
Lost that "Tube Magic". Can you help?
Inflation calculator Link>>[http://www.dollartimes.com/calculators/inflation.htm] 
Length of speaker cable effect bass response?
Any possibility one wire may have backwards polarity?