
Responses from hifitime

Tube Monoblock location? - Rack or near speakers?
Atmasphere,I would never want 35'long interconnects in my home like you have.I have tried numerous combination's with interconnects and speaker cables.My friends and myself all agree and all have longer speaker cables instead.Lower level signals p... 
Tube Monoblock location? - Rack or near speakers?
I guess the governments,industry,and tube builders all wasted their time building tubes more resistant to vibration problems and failures. 
FLAT TV Panel hidding cords
Item HBL8215CAT plug may help.LINK>>[http://www.hubbellcatalog.com/wiring/catalogpages/section-i.pdf] 
playing cdr's
I've heard there are a lot of older players that won't play them.Years ago,I bought a new changer for the trunk of one of our cars on clearance.A couple of months later I seen the replacement,and one of the big selling features was that it plays c... 
smallest footprint cd player
You should be able to find one.I have a Panasonic DVD recorder that is 10" deep without cables. 
TTWeights new Black Onyx Idler drive Turntable
Cousinbilly1,I didn't read your statement about changing the O rings until after I posted mine. 
TTWeights new Black Onyx Idler drive Turntable
Kftool, The creeping you mention may be another problem.Also,the continuous pressure against the rubber may cause little dimples in the O rings.It looks like it should have a pivoting motor to release the pressure against the O rings.I guess time ... 
Tube Monoblock location? - Rack or near speakers?
Don't forget,it is a show.Less than ideal conditions for setting up,transporting,etc.Dealers don't have the best options either.Plus audiophiles like to look at what they're buying.Those big amps are heavy too.Dealers I know keep their amps away f... 
Hickok Tube Tester Questions
You could probably put it in a ventilated cabinet but the big question is,is the transformer rated for continuous duty? 
TTWeights new Black Onyx Idler drive Turntable
No offense guys,but after looking at a picture of this drive system,I think it may be big time flawed.There is not much rubber cushion between the shaft and platter.Also,if the O rings get a little bit harder,and you know they will, vibration prob... 
Buy LED, LCD or Plasma
Plasma if you don't have any bright light shining on it,LCD if you do.The LED's are controversial about color accuracy. I've read some only use LED's for part of the back lighting. There are two types of LED's.The newest LED's may be better, but I... 
Tube Monoblock location? - Rack or near speakers?
It seems odd that they would want the tubes vibrating.All tubes are microphonic.They(the tubes) might even get more microphonic with all the vibration rattling their insides possibly causing a premature failure. Then a longer run of interconnects ... 
The Hub: 2010 CES + THE coverage online
Thanks for bringing the show home to us!!! 
Best TT plinth material, cost no object
Door from a bank vault. 
Help On Thorens TD125 Mk2 - Headshell Wiring
UK ebay pic>>>[http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230423089729&ih=013&category=48648&ssPageName=WDVW&rd=1]