
Responses from hifitime

Phase inverting problem
I found a picture on the net for wiring the switches that way. It's a lot easier than trying to explain it. It's the second picture from the bottom, and even shows two. The view is from the rear of the switch, with it flipping/sliding up and down.... 
Phase inverting problem
Definitely don't switch the interconnect wires. Way to many risks in doing that. The only way I can think of doing this without getting a different preamp, would be to add a switch to each speaker wire. That way, you can flip a pair of switches an... 
Anthem AVM 30 or Emotiva UMC-1
I would wait until a couple of good reviewers test it,and give their opinion.You have a nice unit now.I think they have remote switchers. 
How close to the real thing?
For anyone saying that our hearing memory is short term, don't bother turning around when you hear a familiar voice.After all,it must be our imagination.I definitively agree with the ones saying the recording limits our system.If you listen to jaz... 
How close to the real thing?
11-24-10: HifihvnSitting in the audience can be like sitting in a room full of misplaced, room tuning,sound absorption devices. That covers what I hear in a live performance. Lrsky,My speakers don't have that high frequency hash.I know what your t... 
How close to the real thing?
I remember reading articles about this before.It may have been done more in Europe,or some other country overseas. But,from what I remember,some speaker companies put on a demonstration in large auditoriums with great results. Reviewers from magaz... 
SF Grand Piano Home driver question
Being Sonus Faber uses Scandinavian drivers(as far as I know),they probably have rubber surrounds,but can't say for sure.If nobody responds,you may have to contact them.Either one shouldn't need maintenance,just as long as they're kept out of the ... 
How to shop for speakers?
Thanks for the clarification guys.Good minds at work here to help keep us on the right track. 
How to shop for speakers?
Thanks guys.I guess I'll still keep using the 3 db for reference.Sometimes the 4ohm tap does sound better with some 8 ohm nominal rated speakers. That was just a guess.I had a couple of different Conrad Johnson amps,and from what I remember,they w... 
How to shop for speakers?
Atmasphere,you are saying,get at least 90 db at 8 ohm speakers.If you get 4 ohm speakers,wouldn't 93 db at 4 ohms,for efficiency ratings,be a more comparable match? Or,would it be better just to shop for 8 ohm speakers to play it safe? There is a ... 
solid state vs tubes
All of the tech talk aside,what it all boils down to is,you need to have a tube amp at home,in your own system.If possible,it would be nice if you also could have the solid state amp at home available to change between the two, and spend a good am... 
TTWeights new Black Onyx Idler drive Turntable
Congrats on your new table.It's not to often that someone gets to be involved in the birth of a new company.I hope it keeps on making you happy. 
Two pairs of spkrs in tandem
In both situations(Manoterror and Tweakyman),it may be better to bi-amp with a second amp to be safe.Tweakyman, your still driving your amp hard,those figures posted above don't include any low impedance dips that either of your speakers may have.... 
Two pairs of spkrs in tandem
I'm guessing it may still overload your receiver.They don't make it clear enough.If you use speaker"C" for bi-wire,they may assume a typical 8 ohm speaker split(by removing jumpers)that would give 16 ohms for highs,and 16 ohms for lows,total still... 
Perhaps we should stick with midfi...
In all reality,an upgrade of a component should be just that.We should hear an improvement that makes us happy.If we get the opposite,we should resell it.That is what Audiogon is all about.A component may sound great in someone else's system,but n...