
Discussions hifisoundguy has started

Wyred 4 Sound Class D Amps ???...........895612
Cambridge Audio 840E Pre-amp and 840W Amp ???31610
Mystere ia21 Integrated Tube Amp ???55713
Talk Thunder 3.1B CD player ???24361
Marantz pm11s2 ???153699
New Product......Intelligent Box836652
Has anyone heard the new Mcintosh ma7000 ???89919
Sony Playstation 1 for a CD player ???178345149
Modified DCM TFE200's......World Reference Now2130435
Has anyone heard these new Digital Amps yet ???19181
Blue Ridge Sound Engineering Speakers ???974928
JM Lab Focal's all new Chorus 836v's ???127395
Lipinski Sound Monitors ???28082
Silent Speaker from Direct Acoustics ???30452
Could this be a Major Breakthough ?1714138