
Responses from hiend3

Ah Njoe Tjoeb 4000
Ive heard both good and bad. Some people want to send them in for refunds, Ive heard people sold cd players costing 5 times as much must be system dependant.Then again ive heard under controled conditions (matched levels ect) that a blind testing ... 
Which way to go - Levinson or Odyssey?
I just made up my mind about purchasing any M.L> equipment to be SURE. For a comparision, I had my KSA 250 Krell amp in for OVERHAUL. They replaced like 20+ caps ect. The amp came back sounding better then it was new, $400 plus ship...Krell ser... 
Cd Player drive 2 preamps?
Yes to match levels of amps WITHOUT external crossover. Speakers have proper networks built in. Im going to try it and post results 2 preamps that is. 
Hum with VTL's
You have a ground loop. Try to connect everything to a outlet strip then use another outlet once. this fixed my prob. 
Good Tube amp to drive B&W Matrix 801's
Vtl 300's big time power and control on the lows 
Rogue Audio M-120's
Well Im very fimilar with the ksa250 (owned 3 of them) and i currently run the rogue 120's magnums. That Ksa250 is no slouch. The 120's will bring out much more detail while they still have fantasic lowend control. The 120;s are not a typical Lush... 
Speaker Sugestions Wanted $1500 max
You might need a compression driver type system for sensitivity abd output. You may be dissapointed with audiophile type speakers after your klipch. Your speakers now have much midband power better audiophile type speakers will have much better fr... 
KRELL KSA 50 100 150 0r 250.
You will wan the Ksa250. Very powerful lowend but tubelike mids and highs. the dynamics are sort of recessed on mids and highs and this amp will match a speaker that has more HF output rather then a warm system. Noe the MDA 300 is completely diffr...