
Responses from hiend3

Big beautilful tube amp
VTL Deluxe300 mono blocks. Smooth warm Ecellent soundstage layering ect, not the absolute last word in clean sound but they will not disapoint and will light up the room at night and heat it up as well. Nice amps. reallyWill control any difficult ... 
ARC sp9,Krell ksa250,Infinity Kappa8. Problems?
The Ksa250 is a very high current amp that is Kind of on the reserved side in midrange/highend dynmaics. A Sp-9 I think would be a very intresting combo with the ksa250. I think that would be a wise choice. If you scape togther some more $$ Youd w... 
Can anyone suggest a good 2-channel amp for $1500
Rogue 120'S MONO TUBE AMPS.I have owned about 20 Very large ,amps, Solid state including theshold, aragon ,audio research, 6 Krells ksa mda, VTL 300 Hurricanes Zeus ect.I have not found a more enjoyable sounding amp the the rogue 120's. The bass c... 
Amperex 6922 overkill?
Before spending that INFLATED PRICE for amperexes get decent pair or whatever to see if you like the sound FIRST.These people Are really making a killing on the "NOS" tubes Dont be stupid. 
Horns for Rock.
Jbl 4430 15"2 way with Biradal "butt cheek"compression driver horns. 93 db effecient with virtually no limit on power input. Ive Biamped these and fed the woofers 1200 watts without a whimper. VERY Stable imaging and sledgehammer quailty bass to 3... 
Von Schweikert vr4 gen2 vs 4.5
Why not look for a pair of upgraded 4's to 5's via the factory upgrade program. You would get that nice large bass heavy enclosure of the 4's with the newest drivers from the upgrade.. 
Best Krell Amp?
Let your ears be the judge. 
Best Krell Amp?
That counterpoint is a very nice amp and in someways will outperform the krells. Ive Had Ksa 200, 250, 300S, mda300 ect.I now run tube monoblocks, and dont look back. krell match up well with some speakers and seem to be best with difficult networ... 
Krell Amps. Ksa 250,200,Mda300
Maybe this has something to do with it. The schweikert use a mid driver that covers 120-3K with very little if no correction/ crossover in that range. Its crazy what happens to the Ksa150 when its coverted into mono's. Then again when i sold the M... 
Calling all Von Schweikert VR-9 owners
I was just at the factory and saw vr-9's. they dont maufacture many and I bet they might not have replacements for yours on hand, contact the B&O comapny. Heres what I picked up while I was at the san marcos plant. http://home.comcast.net/~jtg... 
Krell Amps. Ksa 250,200,Mda300
Yes there cool. One of the amps I bought was the Rogue"Zeus". A giant amp But i much prefer the 120's sound. The hurricanes are dark, Vtl 300's are real power houses would give the ksa250 a real tough time into normal loads.Carys are smooth and na... 
Krell Amps. Ksa 250,200,Mda300
Its difficult for me because they have been on diffrent speakers.The ksa 250 on b&w 801#2 was too laid back but still kicked butt.The ksa200 on my schweikert's well the highs sound steely and My 120 watt tube mono blocks kicked its ass in bass... 
I have the Vr-series schweikerts. I run rogue 120 magnum tube amps. I wanted to see if i could get a better lowend so i bought a krell ksa200 and biamped. The levels were close suprisingly enough, to make a long story short the rogues lowend kicke... 
Marantz 8260 vs Musical Fidelity 3.5 vs cary 308
Ill tell you what, be kind of careful with absolute sounds reccommends, They are somwhat biased, Ive found out the hard way. 
Anyone spend more on their system than their car?
I spent 400.00 for my mercury tracer 1989. Im an independeant contracter and deiliver the morning newspaper here in las vegas nv. Ive grossed 84,000 in 2 years. I spent 14,000.00 on my system. 400.00 on my car. Get the picture. Ha And im waiting f...