
Responses from hgeifman

Looking for a preamp with XLR connections
Please see the Ayre Acoustics web page and look for the Ayre Series 5 preamps and the Ayre Series 8 preamp. These units are balanced and have XLR connections. Please also see the Audiogon for listings for preowned Ayre preamps. For example, the A... 
Hint:  Change your Wi-Fi frequency to avoid interference with neighbors router
More information on Comcast routers: Settings for Comcast routers For additional details, please search on ‘change frequency in Comcast routers’ and/or call Comcast customer support. Hope this helps. Advanced settings.    
My last Integrated Amp: $5-10,000?
@audiotroy, It seems the Coda CSiB Integrated Amplifier is available in a V3, V2 and a V1 versions. Each version has a different wattage output (400, 250 and 150). I understand the wattage differences but what are the sound quality differences bet... 
McIntosh Labs delivery issues
See this ad for McIntosh MC611 amp for sale and in stock: MC611 in stock ad  
McIntosh Labs delivery issues
Please search for McIntosh MC611 amplifier for sale and see the results.  For example: McIntosh Mc611 amp   These retailers may, or may not have the amp in stock but you never know.  I hope this helps.    
McIntosh Labs delivery issues
+1, Please call the McIntosh Factory and ask them.  Or, as noted above, call Audio Classics in Binghamton NY.  I also suggest you call your retailer and ask them for delivery information.    Unfortunately, many audio products are taking longer fo... 
NCore Vs. Purifi
Both my Hypex NCore NC400 Dual Mono Class D Power Amplifiers and my Mola-Mola Kaluga Class D Mono Power Amplifiers (NC1200) were very disappointing.  Neither amp sounded very musical nor very engaging.   I eventually purchased the Ayre AX-5 Twent... 
Accuphase fans. Newer & Lower vs Older & Higher model?
@czar2000, If you decided to purchase a preowned integrated amplifier, of any brand, please confirm there are repair facilities in the USA. Most likely, you will not need repair but you never know. I agree with @russ69 above the you might conside... 
Accuphase fans. Newer & Lower vs Older & Higher model?
I understand audio budgets but I suggest you start searching in the USA for an Accuphase amp. If an amp is purchased from outside the USA, you will need to pay for shipping, both ways, for repairs to Japan, for example. My friend purchased a preo... 
OK, so seriously, what is up with TMR's pricing here??
TMR starts at a 'normal' price and then discounts the item by 1% percent about every 2 weeks. This results in the odd pricing. The 1% discount continues until the item is sold.   I have both purchased and sold item using The Music Room and recomm... 
***HUM***BUZZ***CRACKLE***POPPPP= Dead Amp...Where To Service???
I agree with @chayro above that when purchasing new and/or preowned equipment, you HAVE to ask where can it be serviced.  The most important question is can the unit be serviced in the USA or does the unit need to be shipped elsewhere.  The next q... 
MSB Discrete vs. Bricasti M1 SE
@lesmarshall, the Bricasti MDX board cost is $1,000. Please contact Bricasti for more details and how to order.  
***HUM***BUZZ***CRACKLE***POPPPP= Dead Amp...Where To Service???
Another suggestion is to call Nick at True Sound in Campbell, CA True Sound link.  
***HUM***BUZZ***CRACKLE***POPPPP= Dead Amp...Where To Service???
Please call the Sugden distributor and ask them. http://www.toneimports.com/  
McIntosh Group purchased by PE firm
Another link announcing the sale of McIntosh: Highlander Partners announces acquisition McIntosh "Jeff Poggi and Charles Randall, co-CEOs of the McIntosh Group commented, "We are thrilled to continue to pursue our growth trajectory alongside the...