
Responses from heaudio123

Synergistic Research Cable Risers?
Now do engineers and qualified product designers.In the true sense of P.T. Barnum ...perhaps a hero. 
Synergistic Research Cable Risers?
Ted is a sales guy and a good marketer. Fun talking to him at shows. He is very passionate about stuff he knows nothing about. After all these years maybe he even drinks his own koolaid, though I expect that since he will never put his money where... 
Synergistic Research Cable Risers?
I looked at your posts geoffkait and your OCD requirement to post on almost every thread no matter how inane your comment. > 20,000 posts? Really?  I hope you are getting vitamin D supplements.I would say you captured the know-it-all crown abou... 
Synergistic Research Cable Risers?
Prof,I think you are taking the wrong approach to this topic. You appear to be approaching it from a standpoint of logic and physics. So what that every claimed reason for working including static electricity, dielectric/capacitive effects or vibr... 
Opens Outlook.Checks calendar.Nope, it is not April 1. 
I'm interested in hearing what "the best" systems sound like, where to go?
Anywhere, literally anywhere but an audio show. An audio show can take a $250,000 system and make it sound like a $5,000 system. +1 On audio equipment vendors who will spend large dollars on demo rooms. Ditto for high end audio stores, ones with a... 
Speakers that can reveal orchestral instruments' positions
iopscrl:  "Not only pinpoint imaging across the space in front of me, but I could hear depth and height !  I could hear fingers moving up and down the neck of a standing bass.  I could hear the relative locations of a trumpet bell, and the mo... 
Speakers that can reveal orchestral instruments' positions
geoffkait:  "Actually, speakers image height real well unless you have system issues OR you system is not optimized"No, that is just not the case. I know many want to believe this, but it is physically impossible. It is impossible to encode this i... 
Silly question, but I’ll ask it anyway.
oldhvymec,When I need some help with RF design or mitigating RF noise, I don't consult my mechanic. Ditto when I need help with fluid dynamics. "Still using multi-strand wire" ? .... I think your knowledge is either limited or out of date w.r.t. s... 
Speakers that can reveal orchestral instruments' positions
First, two speakers cannot image "height". You have two variables, when the sound arrives at each each, and how loud the sound is for each air. There is no way to derive "height" from that, so don’t bother trying .... though you may convince yours... 
Higher End DACs
bo reminds me of a certain cable promoter :-)   electro-smog ... there is a new term to laugh over at the water cooler. 
It isn't the bits, it's the hardware
... if only we had things like dynamometers, or error rate detectors so we would not have to guess if these were issues or not. 
Difference in sound between copper and silver digital cables?
while I agree with tantejuut in principle, practically, in audio, the lack of proper impedance control (RCA or XLR), and the limited bandwidth of the connected digital circuits is going to make any bandwidth issues between copper and silver incons... 
Why the woofer moves badly when playing certain LPs
At 0.49 I can see a large gap under the record at the edge. Approximately 1-1.5" of the outside of the record is not touching the platter. The record is warped. That is likely instigating your woofer excursion. If you have a resonance issue in add... 
It isn't the bits, it's the hardware
In this limited industry somewhat exclusively does upsample mean resample by async sample rate converter (and it was pretty much a made-up term), which most people know, but what they don’t know is that the underlying technology which is pretty mu...