
Responses from hbrandt

Diana Krall New CD
I'm a big fan of Diana....but I'd have to agree with what has been stated above. The simplicity of her sound is lost in the over-orchestration. Oh well...maybe next time. 
best used transport 400-700
I'd recommend finding a used Wadia WT-3200 or a WT-2000. Several have been available recently and represent a great value in used audio. 
Best female vocals on CD
My top 4:1. Diana Krall2. Eva Cassidy3. Nancy Wilson4. Jane Monheit 
Favorite sounding interconnects?
I have tried many interconnects including Nordost SPM and Cardas...but for single ended RCA my absolute favorites are Pure Note Signature. I haven't heard them myself yet, but I have been told that the new Pure Note Epsilons are even better (if th... 
Clou Blue Jaspis for Senn HD 580/600 Headphones
I learned of of the Clou Red Jaspis from this thread a few days ago...and decided to pick up a set. Wow. Improved the mids and highs of my HD 600's tremendously. Highly recommended! 
Any Opinions about Innersound ESL amps?
I was informed that I spelled Roger's name wrong. In fact, it is Roger Sanders!!! Sorry!!! 
Any Opinions about Innersound ESL amps?
Wow....am I happy!! Finally, an audio decision that worked out. I received my Innersound ESL Monoblocks from Innersound and I am incredibly impressed. I underestimated the difference that moving from the Marsh a400s (330 w/ch. 4 ohm)to the Innerso... 
Wadia : what amp / preamp ?
Wadia WT-2000 tweaked by Great Northern Sound; Placette Dual Active Mono preamp; Innersound ESL Monoblocks 
Placette Passive Pre
I have the Active dual mono. It is superb in every respect and I agree with has been said in the thread above. I would like to add that Guy Hammel (the owner, engineer) is a very nice person and is very patient answering questions. Excellent pream... 
Any Opinions about Innersound ESL amps?
Well, based on the excellent feedback about the Innersound amps, I decided to take the plunge and order a couple of Innersound ESL Monoblocks. After I get them, I'll post a comparison with the Marsh a400s right here!! Thanks for all your help, folks! 
Any Opinions about Innersound ESL amps?
Sean: I love the Marsh amp...but I think it does have some trouble with the voltage draw and the impedance drop of the electrostats. Before I unload the Marsh..I plan on extensively comparing it with the new amp. 
How is the TacT RCS 2.0 as a pre amp vs
Pls1: Sounds like we have very similar electronics!! What is your source and the rest of your system like? 
How is the TacT RCS 2.0 as a pre amp vs
Pls1 and Lornecherry: I'd like to weigh in on the issue of the DAC in the TacT (wow...that rhymes!!) and the SigTech vs. the TacT in terms of room correction. I have extensively compared the 24/96 DA converter in the TacT with the following conver... 
How is the TacT RCS 2.0 as a pre amp vs
Pls1: Since you've used both, I'd be interested in your comparison of the SigTech and the TacT. Please give us your honest, unbiased opinion! Also, I appreciate hearing that someone else has felt some synergy between the dCS gear and Vishays. 
How is the TacT RCS 2.0 as a pre amp vs
Drubin: I have the Placette dual mono active. The TacT...with the volume control set to 93.9 is at 0db. You can add up to 6db of gain from there...but as I described above...I run my TacT and my dCS gear at 0db and adjust volume with the placette.