
Responses from hbrandt

EAD TheatreMaster 8000/8800 ?
I was a hard core 2 channel listener with decent gear (Wadia Transport, TacT 2.0S, dCS Purcell/Delius, Placette Active Dual Mono preamp, CLSIIz's with Vandy Subs). When I decided to integrate this 2 channel system into a home theater setup I prese... 
Which Pre/Pro regardless of $$$
I have an EAD TM8000 pro. I actually added this to my 2 channel setup for home theater and preserved the 2 channel path which includes a Wadia Transport, digital Lens, TacT RCS 2.0s, dCS Purcell/Delius, and Placette dual mono preamp. The EAD TM800... 
Suggestions for in-wall home theater speakers?
I have a Radia LCR in wall speaker for as a rear extra surround. Sounds great!!! www.bgcorp.com. 
Home Theatre Processor reccomendation
I have a very fine 2 channel system....and recently added a EAD Theatermaster 8000pro for 5 channel. Very impressive component in terms of build and sound!!! I'd add this to your list. 
Best Pre-amp under 2k-USED
Placette preamp would fit the bill. (www.placetteaudio.com) 
Jazz Recommendations
Considered by many to be one of the top jazz efforts of all time. 
Wadia confirm a rumour
As mentioned in the above post....for anything out of warranty, you're much better off sending your gear to Steve Huntley at GNS (www.greatnorthernsound.com). The guy is no-nonsense and does a great job. 
Innersound ESLs Amplifier
I'm driving my Martin Logan CLS IIz's with two Innersound ESL Monoblocks. They are outstanding. Roger Sanders at Innersound in very helpful in setting up a great system. 
A tribute to Roger Sanders and Innersound
I couldn't agree more with this thread which is well-deserved, and long overdue. Roger stands out as a leader in innovative audio, and I'd have to say that my Innersound ESL Monoblocks have improved my system (and changed my audio life) more than ... 
Best amp for ML Z Quests?
I have a pair of Innersound ESL Monoblocks driving my CLS IIz's and they are spectacular. 
Diana Krall New CD
Just listened for a second time....it's getting WORSE!!!! 
Seeking opinion for a super duper power cord....
I've been very happy with the Shunyata power cords and would add them to your list. 
any experience using bettercables?
I think you would be MUCH better off focusing your resources on picking up a couple of monoblocks which can sit right next to or behind your speakers with very short runs of cable. Your sound will be significantly better....even if you have to run... 
What amplification do you suggest for Magnepan MG20.1?
I'd add the Innersound ESL monoblocks or ESL stereo amp to your list. 
King of High Current Amps
I'd check out the Innersound ESL Monoblocks. I've been very impressed with their level of detail in driving my power hungry electrostats.