
Responses from hawk28

Alon/Nola sound
According to the DVM, the midrange driver is fine. So, now that means going inside the speaker. Any ideas anyone? 
Alon/Nola sound
At any rate, I'm still looking for help with getting into this cabinet. Any thoughts out there, please let me know. Thanks. 
Alon/Nola sound
Tmsorosk, you won't get any flack from me. While I have been hooked on the Alon/Nola sound ever since I auditioned the original I's and II's back in the early 90's, I realize their cost to performance ratio is nowhere near what it used to be. And ... 
Alon/Nola sound
Now that my room is done, and the system is almost completely set up,I need to check one of my midrange drivers. Thanks to Nmusician, I will obtain a voltmeter to test if the midrange driver is working.If the driver is not working, off to Miller S... 
HT Bypass necessary?
OK, this is good news. Thanks to everyone for the responses and valuable information. Now I have to get started on putting everything together! 
HT Bypass necessary?
Thanks for the responses. So in connecting it in the manner described above, is the pre-pro going to have full volume control of the left and right fronts?I should also mention that the pre has a processor loop, but i don't know if that is somethi... 
How good is Emotiva 2 channel gear??
I compared my upa-1 monoblocks to both my musical fidelity a300 integrated and my a3cr power amp, and in both scenarios, I found the UPA-1's to be smoother in presentation, making the midrange more enjoyable. The UPA's had more air in the highs, w... 
How good is Emotiva 2 channel gear??
02-21-11: Robbob"Entry level gear is not Emotiva. Even with their low prices a good system based on Emotiva amps and processors will cost more than anything "entry level."Entry level is a Sony, Denon or Onkyo receiver powering some Mirage speakers... 
How good is Emotiva 2 channel gear??
It's interesting to find that there is such a wide range of opinions on Emotiva gear. I've read posts where it has been dismissed as entry level budget gear, while others have compared it to much costlier gear. I happen to like the build and sound... 
Nola Blue Thunder Cables
I picked some up used from someone from another forum for about $230. I tested them to make sure they worked, but have yet to sit down for some real listening. I will post my findings when I get a chance. 
Solid State to Tubes and Back Again
Louisgiants, all true observations. Im not looking to break the bank either. Quicksilver makes a nice pre, as do the other companies you listed.Thanks for sharing, Ferrari. So you were doing this audio thing when tubes were all there was. I can se... 
Solid State to Tubes and Back Again
Inna: That's an interesting point. Some cheaper tube gear probably isn't worth it if its unreliable or doesn't sound as good at its more expensive bretheren.Markwatkiss: That is the sometimes frustrating obession of this hobby. But its fun, isnt' ... 
Solid State to Tubes and Back Again
"as to switching from solid state to tubes and back to solid state, i think it's like getting married three times."Ouch! I sure hope not. Mustang Cobra, VERY HOT!!I guess all one can do is audition what you think you will like in order to get what... 
Solid State to Tubes and Back Again
Virdian, are you serious?!! Your amps can generate enough heat to replace your home's heating system?Schipo, good point, and funny too!! A hot car beats a good tube amp for me any day!!!BWP, SamuJohn, I agree with both of your comments. wanting to... 
Manley Shrimp and Rogue Perseus
Thanks for your response. That helps a lot. I haven't heard the Dehavilland, and its been a long time since I heard the Modulus, but your comments just confirm how good the Modulus, even when compared to todays offerings.Thanks again.