

Responses from harris4crna

Do not buy any Sonus Faber used
UPDATE:We can provide service, parts and repair if anything should go wrong with your Stradivari speakers, but it would not be covered under warranty. The Sonus Faber warranty is non-transferable, so used items are not covered, and Sumiko is not r... 
Do not buy any Sonus Faber used
Yes, here i sit in a quad rum because i live here in Italy, but soon to return to the states. I purchased a pair of Cremona M from a local dealer here, but later to find out Sumiko will not honor the warranty even though they are legit with serial... 
price point to move to separates vs integrated
This is a question that I ponder. I have not had an extensive ability to listen to separates in comparison to my current integrated. I have the best of both worlds in my integrated:I have a Simaudio 600i, which is a dual-Mono design with an oversi... 
price point to move to separates vs integrated
This is a question that I ponder. I have not had an extensive ability to listen to separates in comparison to my current integrated. I have the best of both worlds in my integrated:I have a Simaudio 600i, which is a dual-Mono design with an oversi... 
The Trouble with Cartridge Recommendations
Glad to hear you like the shelter 501. This is the cart recommended to me for my future Nottingham Ace Space with ace arm. Interesting, i went to a London dealer and he said that was bit old school and go with a Sumiko blue point, which is complet... 
Best Integrated, period.
Simaudio 600i has treated me very well. Sounds great with my Cremona M. 
To upgrade from simaudio 3.3i to 600i or not?
Another Simaudio upgrade. Just got the moon 320 power supply to mirror up with the 310lp. Amazing how much a seperate power supply can affect the sound. Also, i went with Transparent cableing. No, did not try many. Really, if i hear one I am conte... 
Simaudio Moon 310LP
Just received the 320lp to brother up with my 310. Wow, it does make a difference. The soundstage just opened up. It is making this project debut sing. Cannot imagine what it will sound like with my future new Nottingham Space Deck with the shelter. 
REL G2 or JL Audio F112 ..thoughts for 2 channel
I am glad to see this post. I have Cremona Ms also. Originally had difficult getting them to produce a satisfied bass response. Even considered up grading, but took suggestions such as up grading cables, power cords and source. I did all above and... 
Simaudio Moon 310LP
Thank you Rosco, but ill stick with the 320. Getting it for 900 and the warranty is good. 
Dead Can Dance 2012 Tour
DcD, well I saw them. Beautiful music, no doubt but was not overly impressed. Not saying they did not put on great performance, but it seemed like the He vs She show. One song him, than one song her. 4 encores, really? I dont know, just ok in my b... 
Simaudio Moon 310LP
Thank you, I will most likely pick up the power supply when I can. What is nice about going piece by piece it feels like you are getting a new system every time you upgrade. 
Simaudio Moon 310LP
I am thinking about purchasing the 320 power supply. Any experience with it? 
Dead Can Dance 2012 Tour
5 more days and will be seeing DcD in Budapest Hungary. Really, I wish I was up to snuff on the music, but it is not the first time I actually became a bigger fan post concert (ie...Mastadon...). Let you all know how it goes. 
Simaudio Moon 310LP
I meant to ask, how does the 310 sound with your clearaudio TT.