

Responses from halcro

Glanz moving magnet cartridges
Dear Nikola,The Bavarian audiophiles (and the Japanese) know their onions......The fact is that most people never have heard a Fidelity Research FR-66s tonearm in their system or a 'known' set-up.....yet so many feel the need to disparage it?Only ... 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
Jmowbray,The AT-155Lc cartridge.....whilst retaining the signature 'sound' of the Signet TK Series.......always sounds a little 'thin' to me.There is a 'body' to the Signet TK-3, TK-5 and TK-7 which somehow eludes the AT despite the fact that it r... 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
Dgob,I’m sorry if my impressions appear to be negative?That was not my intent…..nor is it accurate.I found the G5 to be “unremarkable” in that it’s presentation revealed nothing that was not available from a number of my finest cartridges.This is ... 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
There’s no denying the tenacity of Nikola….Here we have an esoteric cartridge Thread begun by Dgob (no slouch in the perseverance stakes himself) which may well have died from lack of contributors were it not for the surprising intervention of Nan... 
Garrott P77 MM Cartridge
Thanks Vangstr,I’m glad you found this ‘inspiring’…….I realise how long ago I wrote it (more than 4 years)…..and it really was the beginning of journey ‘backwards’ in time for me.A journey which, to this day, has not ended?At the time I was inspir... 
Record clamps: do they really make a difference.
I have found that with periphery clamps.........it very much depends on the platter mat used (or not used)?With any compressible platter mat......in my system.....a periphery clamp sucks the life out of the music and robs the vinyl of its magic...... 
Nude Turntable Project
Nice fish Chris.Rainbow trout is one of my favourites when done the Cantonese way....steamed with ginger and shallots. Yum......Have you mentioned the new speaker project before?Sounds intriguing....knowing you :-) 
Nude Turntable Project
Hi Chris,The Verdier has always interested me....and as you say......Nude....but also Copernican in concept?One question I have.........what is the material of the tonearm mounting pods?They look like wood? And how are they fixed to the base? And ... 
Nude Turntable Project
Henry, Don't own a Garrard 301Sorry Lew.....I knew you had an idler and was just too lazy to look-up your System Page.....It would be interesting to check your Technics SP10Mk3 which has the motor with the most torque (power?).....? 
Nude Turntable Project
I just downloaded the Teslameter 11th App onto my iPhone and it's very interesting.It measures an electro-magnetic field in either Micro Teslas or Milli-Gauss (1 Tesla=10,000Gauss).Just sitting in my listening chair gives a reading of 43uT or 590m... 
Nude Turntable Project
Dover,Mine comes from Israel..... 
Nude Turntable Project
I'm wondering if Idlers exhibit the same 'magnetic' characteristics as DDs seeing how they also have motors etc under the platter?I suspect that the EMT 927 would react "positive' to a magnet wandering amongst its innards.......especially with its... 
Nude Turntable Project
Dover,Did you miss the point that with the pigskin platter mat in place....there was no magnetism at the mat nor the vinyl disc? 
Nude Turntable Project
Lewm,Syntax despises DD turntables and Idlers and eschews the qualities displayed by the big Caliburn belt-drive.He also abhors MM and MI cartridges so crediting him with any knowledge of the TT-101 is like mistaking him for a man of discernment? 
Nude Turntable Project
Which leads me to ask myself. Dynavector is a well respected company. if they thought there was a problem with magnetism would they have built their tonearm to be joined with their cartridges ? Good question Chris.One would think not?