

Responses from halcro

The Arm/Cartridge Matching Myth
Thanks Professor (Timeltel)...😘You more than anyone knows how long I have struggled with this apparent dichotomy....❓👀It's good to see you back here after so long...✋👀And thank you for those Links...👏 I haven't yet finished them...There was a lot ... 
The Arm/Cartridge Matching Myth
Hi Kirkus,Many thanks for your thoughtful Post (as usual).....and it has made me realise how wrong I am about the importance (or lack thereof) of the Arm/Cartridge Resonance…..😲❗️I’m really kicking myself now because I’ve done a great deal of thou... 
FR66s vs Ikeda IT-407 CR tonearms
Sometimes an instrument is designed which is well-nigh perfect and is hard to improve upon.....see Stradivarius violins...😎The FR-64s/66s tone arms are possible examples of this phenomenon...❓😘 The price for a 35 year-old FR-66s has doubled in the... 
The Arm/Cartridge Matching Myth
Cancel my previous Post Davide256....I've just read some of your other Postings...Turntables like the Linn and Sota when properly balanced have a suspension resonance point below the audible range of human hearing, vibration from the surface the T... 
The Arm/Cartridge Matching Myth
Sorry Peterayer...my bad...😴 
The Arm/Cartridge Matching Myth
Greetings Zavato...✋I could not get your Link to work unfortunately.....😢I think we did read different magazines....❓👀In Australia we had access in the late '70s and early '80s to British magazines like Hi Fi Answers and Hi Fi Choice...and in the ... 
The Arm/Cartridge Matching Myth
Stylus compliance is what matters... mechanically the same as matching shocks on a car. Welcome Davide256...😆As the first contributor to this Thread who does not agree with it....it would be beneficial if you could provide some mathematical or sci... 
The Arm/Cartridge Matching Myth
I suppose another approach is to try to find out which arms the cartridge designers used while developing your cartridge. Then you would at least get closer to what those designers like.I'm not sure about this Peterayer.....❓If I were designing a ... 
The Arm/Cartridge Matching Myth
I would only place upper and lower limits on Halcro's proposition; it would not be a great idea to use a very high mass tonearm with a very high compliance cartridge, simply because of the resulting flexing of a very compliant cantilever which mig... 
The Arm/Cartridge Matching Myth
Of greater concern and something that is not easy to measure are the secondary arm and cartridge resonances that are excited by the energy put back into the arm.An interesting point Viridian…and one that I’ve been wrestling with over five years o... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Looked up the Project Ref Phonostage and it seems that once again the VARIABLE resistance is for MCs (10-1200 Ohms) with the MM stuck on 10 or 47K Ohms....😢 
Modified Lenco vs TW Raven
Thanks again for all the work you put in testing your tables. There is a lot there for analog lovers.You're welcome Tdaudio...😊I needed to counter objectively what the Trolls peddle via innuendo and lies...😡Every Raven owner should rub these resul... 
Modified Lenco vs TW Raven
I write about technical observations which have a sonic result. Technical observations....😳❓Like what...❓That their motors can't keep constant speed...⁉️Do you have the evidence now my friend...😜❓Perhaps you should run your Micro with the Feikert ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Also, in the last few years, manufacturers have awakened to this need, and there are now several products that allow selection of load resistance. Not too many yet allow for adding capacitance, that I know of.Don't be fooled by the advertising bl... 
Modified Lenco vs TW Raven
I’m disappointed to read In_shore’s apparent ‘dig’ at Raven as I have always appreciated his informative and even-handed postings in the past…Perhaps we are misinterpreting him here Tdaudio…❓👀Apart from the Timeline Video displaying better perform...