
Responses from hack

Best Audiophile Coverage Of '07 CES?
The move from the Alexis Park to the Venetian is at best a disaster for the attendees and the for the manufacturers who paid good money to be there. For the attendees, go through the Casino, make your way to the elevators and ride up 29 floors tot... 
Selling to someone in another country
I've sold to Europe, Australia, and the U.S. with no problems at all. Sure there's a small amount of paperwork, takes about 10 minutes all told (which is nothing compared to the time it takes me to pack for safe shipment). World Wide Web, lots of ... 
"What's Your Best Price?"
You don't want to be insulted with a lowball offer, yet you get irritated when someone sez "I'm interested and will follow thorugh with the sale if we can agree on a price. I don't want to make a low offer and offend, I'd like this transaction to ... 
Massive entertainment center replacement ideas?
Check out my main system, you and I have the same Gladys! Built mine myself, where did you get yours? My rack is off to the side of the room, well away from the speakers. My main system is in the family room with the furnace room directly under it... 
Are ICEpower amps really that good?
Hello again,I didn't mean to stir up so much controversy, just commenting on my experiences to date. I wouldn't go so far as to say ICE amps are compromised but I do feel they have a ways to go before they reach a level of performance most 'philes... 
Are ICEpower amps really that good?
My reference amps include a BAT VK-500 with BAT Pack and a Classe DR-8 amplifier. I listened to several ICE amps in a variety of set-ups, to my ears they didn't seem to have the current to handle transients well. Very linear, uninvolving sound to ... 
Grateful for Audiogon
Jond & Dean,He did indeed claim that.. in fact he said he got hooked on audio when he was at the Adult Show in Vegas (runs at the same time as CES). He had some spare time, checked out Alexis Park, the rest is history. Had some funny stories a... 
$100 Challenge: Build this system
I bought a TEAC - SR-L200I CLOCK RADIO w - iPOD DOCK for my kitchen, $99 Canadian @ Costco last weekend. Not high fidelity but quite good for the money. 
Gallo REfF3's-All their cracked up to be?
Let your ears decide, but for me the Gallo Ref 3.1's are truly a breakthrough product. I've been through so many different speakers over the years and for the longest time was convinced the only speaker for me was planar. Apogee, Maggies, Martin L... 
Gallo Reference 3 stand bracket question
Hello Barry,I use several Bright Star products in my system and am quite happy with the results. As much as I'm sure the GR3 would take my Ref 3.1's up a notch (pun intended) the cost is out of whack relative to the price of the speaker itself. Hm... 
Gallo Reference 3 stand bracket question
Hi Dave,You may be on to something, I'd be interested in a stand/bracket for my Ref 3's. I have considered the Bright Star stands but at $499 (plus shipping) they're way too expensive given the simple fact that the speaker itself is only $3000! Wh... 
Pioneer F-93 Elite series tuner
http://www.fmtunerinfo.com/pioneer.htmlPioneer F-93 (1991, $900, photo) Honorable mention. Part of Pioneer's “Elite” series, the fiendishly complicated and very rare F-93 was a highly sensitive digital tuner that was not known for good sound. We a... 
120/115V vs. 100V
Leonard,Congratulations on your move to the Pearl of the Orient, one of my favourite cities (by far) in the world! Someone asked me recently if they would have problems/issues using a rig in Australia using step-downs. I wrote my brother in Perth,... 
Best amp for gallo ref3a speakers
BAT VK500 (main system) and Classe DR-8 (office system), both systems are using BAT tubed preamps. I haven't bought a Gallo amp yet, the bass response is fine as is. Knowing me I'll end up with a Gallo amp sooner or later just cuz I can't seem to ... 
What's your dream digital product ?
A digital product that can produce ALL the nuances of my analog rig. Provide the same imaging, depth, and emotion. Draw me into the music and leave me wanting for nothing. I'd snap it up in a heartbeat and be a very happy dude. So far it's been an...