
Responses from gullahisland

Recomendation for speakers BEST for Piano?
I would contend that a time and phase coherent design is required to reproduce the piano accurately.In addition, as someone pointed out above, the piano is a percussion instrument and requires not only speed, but great dynamics and FULL range as w... 
Gilmore Audio planars revealed
I don't purport to be a scientist - or even technical for that matter - but I have a question about the claimed 127db output claim.According to what I've heard people say on this site, for every 3db increase in output, it takes approximately doubl... 
Difference BTW Hafler DH-200 and DH-220?
Thanks Plato. That's exactly what I was looking for - right down to the decimal! :-) 
No Bi-Amp but tubes for Maggies -- can it be done?
Tireguy - Would it have helped if he hyphenated the phrase "tweeter-eater"? Maybe a pictograph would be more helpful.Tweeter-eater, as in "Peter, Peter Pumpkin-eater..." I'm a bit of a meat-eater, myself. (Carnivore...get it?)Holy crap, (or should... 
No Bi-Amp but tubes for Maggies -- can it be done?
Ease back there, Tireguy! Greenman said that the OTLs will not "eat" (damage) the Maggie's ribbon tweeters. He never said or implied anything about his Atma-Spheres having tweeters.Reading comprehension is clearly not a strong-suit for you. Please... 
stuck in quagmire of speakers,someone pull me out
The best choice is to go and listen. Choose a couple that you like and then go for an in-home audition.If you're buying any of these sight unseen, then I'd reluctantly recommend the B&Ws simply for the reason that they'll hold the most value s... 
No Bi-Amp but tubes for Maggies -- can it be done?
I had a similar experience as Sscot1961. I drove a pair of Magnepan 1.6QRs with an ARC D-115MK2 and later a D-125. If your room isn't huge these amps provide plenty of power to make the Magnepans come to life. The midrange, especially on female vo... 
stuck in quagmire of speakers,someone pull me out
We'll need to know your associated equipment and musical tastes to give any quality advice.Also, are you open to used? What's your budget? 
Thoughts on the best "budget" amp/preamp combo?
Marakanetz is correct...although I'd recommend the Signal Cable (sold here by Frank) for $36 instead of Radio Shack.The point here is that when you're trying to squeeze the most out of your budget, put the bulk of it into the components. Cables ar... 
Who heard or has a McIntosh MC7100?
Nice job Aball.I'm clearly not very well-versed on McIntosh. I just knew that I had always wanted to own McIntosh gear and jumped at the opportunity to buy a matching amp/preamp in such superb condition. It clearly wasn't my cup of tea.The good ne... 
Who heard or has a McIntosh MC7100?
I owned (for a very short time) an MC-7150 and a C-712. They were both HORRIBLE. Thick is probably the best way to describe their sound. Of course they looked gorgeous but their performance was truly lackluster.I picked them up used (here) from th... 
Hyperbole Watchdog Forum
You guys crack me up.Here's another one from the classifieds.In reference to a RARE ONKYO amplifier..."This amplifier will truly embarrass the likes of Mark Levinson, Krell, etc." 
ARC 100.2 vs. D240?
Wait....Is he giving you $500 or are you giving him $500?If he's going to trade PLUS give you $500 then it might be worth it to you to save the hassle of selling your 100.2 on your own.If he wants $500...Tell him in no uncertain terms where he can... 
Good Amp for Spica TC-60 speakers under $1000
I drove a pair of TC-60s with both a Forte Model 4 (50wpc pure class A) and a Sonic Frontiers Integrated 2 (90wpc).The Forte was a much better match. The Spicas are reasonably efficient and have a pretty benign impedence (6 ohms nominal?).The Fort... 
Piego P-10 or big Thiels?
I can't give you a direct comparison - in fact, I've never heard the Piegas. I will tell you, however, that I have noticed the same thing with that particular Holly Cole track. Let me explain:I used to have a pair of Hales Concept 2s which, like t...