
Responses from guidocorona

Esoteric DV-50: Any cdp's Significantly better?
Reb1208: and of course the hypothetical Chinese contractor would do everything with no money up front, just so because they have read our entire thread and are so in love with the idea. Not only, but as an added bonus they will send their top engi... 
Esoteric DV-50: Any cdp's Significantly better?
Thank you Alex, but why UX-3 instead of the slightly cheaper X-03? Does UX-3 offer you--as a developer--some advantages?Concerning clocks I can only report hearsay: the Verona is said to improve significantly the sound of the DCS stack. Only by in... 
Esoteric DV-50: Any cdp's Significantly better?
ALEX, this thread is becoming hotter than You KnoWhat! Time for me to go and take a very long icycold shower, lest I perform some embarrassing act over the phone, involving colorful plastic cards and authorization codes, wich I may regret after ev... 
DV-50s vs Krell SACD Standard vs Denon 3910 mod
Kana813: The only two-box front-end from TEAC I heard was the P70/D70 combo. I found its sound to be so close on redbook to single-box X-01 to make the apparent difference negligible. Granted, the statement must be tempered by the fact that I hear... 
Review: H2o Audio Signature Monoblocks
I be interested in knowing what the voltages and amperages were for the monster amp. I suspect though there may have been some other crucial and unique measurable factors as well, otherwise the 1980s designers that first developed the SS behemoths... 
DV-50s vs Krell SACD Standard vs Denon 3910 mod
Kana813: Please do describe the supersistem you listen to with the Teac front-end and give us your sonic findings in detail.TBG: There are two Teac clocks compatible with X-01, UX-1, P70/D70, and the higher components: G0, and G0S. The G0 is likel... 
Review: H2o Audio Signature Monoblocks
Interesting Muralman, how did Harry design an 85W amp to comfortably power his 1Ohm speakers? What is the crucial factor? 
DV-50s vs Krell SACD Standard vs Denon 3910 mod
JayCToy, did you mean X-01 instead of 0X1? 
DV-50s vs Krell SACD Standard vs Denon 3910 mod
TBG, as all threads are linear lists, it should make no difference monitoring a short or a long one. Only the last 50 postings max are displayed by default. To see the last few postings of a thread all is needed is to press ctrl-end to go to the b... 
DV-50s vs Krell SACD Standard vs Denon 3910 mod
TBG, the Exemplar 2900 was in the contest. But, apparently unanimously, it came in behind the APL, and at least for those who thought the ModWright 999ES to be best, it came in third place. You are correct in stating that any shootout results shou... 
Pass XA 160 review:life span is 6 years?
The Pass Labs site has just posted an excellent comparison of XA160 vs X600 authored by Dr. Poltun, director of the archives at the Vienna State Opera. You will find it as a downloadable PDF file at the following URL: 
DV-50s vs Krell SACD Standard vs Denon 3910 mod
TBG, it is my understanding that APL 3910 was in fact included in the shootouts. That would have been 711smilin's unit. Though, as I recall, at that time the unit did not include the masterclock that Alex just lately added to 711smilin's unit. So ... 
DV-50s vs Krell SACD Standard vs Denon 3910 mod
As an remote member of the aforementioned Chicago shootout gang, I feel most impressed by the degree of attention our little thread seems to have generated. I might as well ask Kana813 where in the US he had the fortunate opportunity to listen to ... 
Pass XA 160 review:life span is 6 years?
Jmcgrogan2, you are correct, XA Pass series is pure class A. Conversely X.5 runs in class A/AB. There is a thread I started a little while ago that discusses the design/sonic features of the Pass X.5 series and compares them with the old Pass X se... 
Esoteric DV-50: Any cdp's Significantly better?
Thanks again Alex about the DV50 info. If anyone has info about Esoteric X-01 balanced implementation, please post it here.