
Responses from guidocorona

When is digital going to get the soul of music?
No MrT, it is evidence based on my experience as a composer. 
how can a line cord affect frequency response ?
Better watch out guys and carps, Mr. Tennis's mechanical froggie is loose again in the audio pond with all its juicy and elegant sophistries. Before you know it he'll have you all wrapped around his magical pingponging fingers! 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
Sorry, wrong again. The soul starts in the composer. If the composer does not commit the right notes to the score, no amount of performing skill and passion, no amount of artsy recording engineering, no amount of fanciful analog or digital reprodu... 
A Tale Of Two. . . Anacondas Helix
Let us give this another try! The session came and went and it was. . . interesting. . . and I should say well beyond our expectations. Now let's get started: the test system was fully differentially balanced and consisted of X-01 Limited, ARC Ref... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Thank you Audiofeil, did not know I had turned Japanese. A very impressive system list. I know Pass gear is fully differentially balanced, but I do not know about the rest of your gear. And have you tried to swap a balanced ICs from the X-01 to th... 
A Tale Of Two. . . Anacondas Helix
My apologies to all. The session came and went. . . and it was extremely interesting. Fifteen minutes ago I just finished writing the review article. Then my word processing system glitched and nuked most of it. Now I am just furious. It will take... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Audiofail, could you qualify your statement further? What where the components downchain from the Esoteric gear with which you experienced no difference running balanced or single ended. I do admit I am slightly surprised at your findings. X-01 fo... 
does a stereo system sound like live music ?
And of course Dr. Pingpong is not even considering that his beloved 'live' music is but a pale instantiation of the infinite variety of potential much superior performances inferred by the composer's musical score. In turn the score is but a pale ... 
does a stereo system sound like live music ?
Mrtennis, that would depend on your definition of 'better'. Having been into music for the last 45 years, I am less and less sure of what that means. One thing I know is that , in order for me to have the same acoustic experience listening To Lara... 
does a stereo system sound like live music ?
Hmm, looks like to me our Dr. Pingpong is actually the one who is enjoying the show of the little golden carps in the pond swimming frantically after the mechanical froggie! 'member guys and gals. . . keep smilin' or the old ticker may start a'rat... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Branimir, that was an amusing and fair article. My own observations on a couple of X-01 players under control of a G0s clock closely match Babybears inconclusive findings. Theory is that these external clocks have probably more impact on multibox ... 
does a stereo system sound like live music ?
Hrrrumpf! Did I hear my name just invoke in vane?The profound if not exactly novel question raised by Mr. Tennis is essentially undecidable. It belongs to the same class of propositions such as:"How many anally retentive audiophiles can dance on t... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Germanboxers, I believe you correct about DAC config. Yet, I seem to recall Tim Crable at TEAC telling me that the transports on X-03 is a lesser brother of those found on X-01 and UX-1. 
how can a line cord affect frequency response ?
Boa2, my PCs quack real loud all the time. Especially when I take a wild gander, and goose 'em real big 20 amp IEC male connector down those ornithologically inappropriate tini 15 Amp female receptacles. Perhaps Robert should offer a new line of P... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
Germanboxer, as far as I know the X-03 uses a lighter, cost engineered version of the VRDS transport mechanism, which may explain the sonic difference with UX-1 that Branimir is suggesting. As far as I know, this is the simplified/cheaper VRDS tha...