
Responses from guidocorona

Digital Amplifiers
Here is some further lively discussion on class D switching amps:How do switching amps differ in sound: amps for classical music? 
Vienna Beethoven Baby Grand vs Mozart Grand
I have heard both the Beethoven Baby Grands and the Mozarts, but not the same day. In both cases electronics was Primare. For what I recall, Baby Grands had more authority, extension, definition, detail, and tightness of bass than the mozarts. For... 
How do Digital Amps Mfrs. compare in sound?
Nospam, by looking see there are a couple of different models of ICE based amps made by Seymour. Which one did you try out? G. 
Ice Block Amps
Vman71, which manufacturers and models are your ICE and 300B amps? Can you tell us more about their relative strengths and weaknesses? G. 
Ice Block Amps
For general information on ICEpower technology, see: 
Ice Block Amps
Have not tried the ICE Blocks yet. The Seymour AV web page describing them is at: devices are attractively priced, but not having heard them, I can't even guess at their sound. 
Jeff Rowland 501s and PC1s
Hi Clavil, ICEpower modules of 501 and 312 are the same ASP1000. 201 uses if I recall correctly the ASP500. These are -- relatively speaking -- current modules. By 'previous generation' I really meant previous generations of end user products. For... 
Jeff Rowland 501s and PC1s
Clavil, the fragment you quote from Jonathan Valin's article contains a very good description of the foreshortening of treble low level information which was relatively common on the previous generation ICEpower amplifiers. Others, like Chris Mart... 
How do Digital Amps Mfrs. compare in sound?
Thank you Vince, have fun. G. 
How do Digital Amps Mfrs. compare in sound?
Muralman, I was still secretly hoping you would refrain from persisting in a round of "ma' PS's real bigger'n yourn". . . regretably I was mistaken.. . . enjoy your game. . . I's not playin'. Best, G. 
How do Digital Amps Mfrs. compare in sound?
You are correct Dave, it is also worth pointing out that a decision to deploy a switching power supply vs a toroidal one, at least in the rarified high end domain we are dealing with, has precious little to do with skimping on parts costs. While s... 
How do Digital Amps Mfrs. compare in sound?
Apologies Mural. . . I do not know where is the 'attached digital' power supply and to what device you are referring. 
How do Digital Amps Mfrs. compare in sound?
Mapman, unfortunately, unlike with Concerto, JRDG has not yet made an amp-only of the Continuum series. There exists the 312, which is a more complex amp only, based on the same ASP1000, and the 501 monos, which contain the same boards in the Cont... 
How do Digital Amps Mfrs. compare in sound?
Mapman, at this time there is no amp only version of the JRDG Continuum integrated amps. Dave perhaps can tell us if the linestage section can be bypassed. . . perhaps via the theater bypass input and unity gain? G. 
How do Digital Amps Mfrs. compare in sound?
Kijanki, I have seen JRDG 102 but have never heard it. I only know that Jeff R. does like its sound a lot and is very proud of what the little critter can do for living (smiles!)Unfortunately, I have not heard the Bel canto S300 either. . . what I...