
Responses from gthrush1

CD volume levels
One way to quantify the differences is to playback on a CDR with level meters. 
Vibration Tweaks
The most often overlooked piece of the mechanical isolation puzzle is right up on top (of each component).There are lots and lots of cones, blobs, platforms, spikes, discs, etc. out there, and most of them do a great job. Don't forget to mass load... 
Toslink vs. RCA
While I'm certain that there are differences, I am skeptical as to whether or not the average audiofool can delineate between the two formats.Try to set up a double-blind comparison. I did, and I couldn't distinguish between Toslink and RCA. The o... 
Cost efficient phono preamp recommendation
I think the Coda 03p is a great option. It has balanced i/o, all the gain, impedance, and capacitance adjustments you could ever want, and it is reasonably priced. If you shop carefully, you could probably find one for $1k new. They don't show up ... 
Does your system sound better in the winter?
My system sounds fantastic on fall solstice (9/21). It sounds absolutely horrible the other 364 days of the year. 
Love for music shatter by highend equipment
That's right. I've thought about making a cat-o-nine with the interconnects. System performance could be further enhanced by obtaining the services of a very strong woman, like maybe anna nicole... 
Love for music shatter by highend equipment
I'm in it for the gear only, most specifically the wires. I only have maybe 50 CDs or so, and about 25-30 LPs. I use a bryston B60 integrated, vandersteen 1c speakers, an MMF 'table, and an NAD cd player. The wires are all Siltech Compass Lake, th... 
Top This
For all you deadheads..."He's Gone""Black Peter""He was a Friend""Death Don't" 
Best spkr cable for biwiring bass drivers?
What specific characteristics of your current sound are you unhappy with? Are you biwirng for the sake of biwiring, or do you have an objective? 
Power cord from speaker cables?
Why not contact George Cardas and ask him? 
Stand alone phono stage?
Umm, Marakanetz, the Aesthetix is an all-tube unit. 
Another dumb question
It depends on what the gain value is for each amplifier. 
Does size matter?
I think that size does matter...sort of. It REALLY depends on a lot of factors: room size, amplification, acoustic treatments, and what type of speaker is being used.There are a few small monitors that can reproduce a PERCEIVED approximation of th... 
Big Difference With New Source?
It'll make a HUGE difference. I'd sell the NAD and the VTL, then buy a Cary 306-200 on the used market for ~$3k. Run that directly to your ampflifier via balanced connection. You'll hear a LOT more detail. 
Is there an integrated amp that can beat my...
Regarding upgrading your TT, please consider a Basis 2001 table / Graham Robin arm / Benz Micro L2 cartridge combination. I know a dealer that will give you a great package deal if you are interested. This setup will absolutely trounce aything nea...