
Responses from gsm18439

Subwoofer for "seamless" integration with Zu Druid
You should definitely call Zu. They may have a few remaining Methods, etc available. 
Recommend an integrated amp, $800-$1000
Audio Refinement - if you can find one used. 
Zu or Totem or ProAc?
Dayglow, I beg to differ. I have owned Zu Def 4s for a couple of years and play much more jazz and classical - of all scales - and female vocals than rock; and the speakers are outstanding regardless of what I play. While you may or may not like t... 
Need Speakers to be Close to Wall $10k budget
Obviously the easiest would be if you are happy with the Audio Physic in your new space. However, as noted, Audio Note are designed to be placed near to the and, ideally, in corners. VR22, VR33, or VR35 that are designed to be placed near to the w... 
Emission Labs 300B vs Shuguang Black Treasure
Like Charles. I am a huge fan of the Takatsukis. However, I have also been very happy with the Sophia Royal Princess that can sometimes be found for sale on this site. Both bested the Shuguang Black Treasures by a lot. I have not heard any of the ... 
Best speakers for around 30K?
I guess the question that I would ask is whether you also intend to upgrade or change your electronics. I have become partial to low power SET amplifiers that, of course, require careful system matching. 
Sophia Electric tube quality
I had no problems with my pair. And I found Richard et al to be very helpful and accommodating. 
$10-15k speaker - Revel Salon2 / Usher BE-20
Zu Def4s have awesome, deep bass, are never fatiguing, and favor tone rather than analytical detail. They are in your price range. However, my experience is that an in-home audition is a must when spending this amount of money. 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Having upgraded from the Def 2s to the Def 4s, it is hard for me to imagine that any combination of tweaks and partial upgrades could equal "most of the Def 4 goodness." Every aspect of the Def 2 underwent a transformational change in the Def 4. T... 
Possible Desktop Speakers?
Ancient Audio makes really good powered speakers for just this purpose. They have been reviewed in 6Moons and are sold in th US by Stereo Desk of Boston. 
what are the Best Direct to amps Digital Players ?
I have owned two. EAR Acute and now Ancient Audio. Both are excellent tube based players, but the Ancient Audio actually includes a pre-amp circuit with additional inputs. 
Suggestions short 3' tall floorstander?
Zu has 5 speakers that range in height from 32" to 38" tall. 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
One artist, band, you keep coming back to
BachPaul Simon and Leonard Cohen and Bill Evans 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
My Def 4s have the stock caps. The next time Sean is in DC, I may ask him to upgrade them. Or not. I am pretty happy with how things sound. Hard to imagine a major improvement. Easy to imagine screwing up a good thing. And certainly not a project ...