Responses from gs5556
Does it matter where a CD is manufactured? As long as the facility stamps the cd's in accordance with ISO standards, there should be no difference in sound quality. However, the mastering during the recording and pre-production mastering prior to the manufacture of the glass master will ha... | |
State of the art remote pre amp? Reality? FM Acoustics Resolution 268, Mark Levinson 32, ARC Reference 2 MKII, Accuphase C-245, Goldmund Mimesis 22M, Gryphon Sonata Allegro, Boulder 2010.... | |
What does "transformer coupled" mean? Basically, one of the "big deals" is the ability to drive long interconnects with a high input resistance at the other end with minimal voltage (gain) loss. Also, the xmfr acts like a filter which does not amplify the tag-along garbage that the si... | |
Tube Myths- Tested Tubes Which brings up another point: what faith does one place on "test results". Yes, there are many tests to subject upon a tube, but what can you glean from the results? Some vendors will state "no shorts or leaks" or "76/38" yet you have to rely tha... | |
What causes imaging or the lack of it Imaging is created by the brain. The sound is recorded on two seperate channels with mikes placed approximately where the ears would be; you then hear each channel from each speaker. Since both ears can hear both speakers simultaneously, the cross... | |
Here's why amps can be more important than speaker Why is it reasonable? Because distortion is cumulative. There's distortion in the recording mike, cables, recording preamp, disc/vinyl mastering, your sources, amps, cables and speakers. It's like asking "why clean your eyeglasses if your windows ... | |
What causes imaging or the lack of it Before you go crazy switching and moving gear around, have your friend check the outlets in his listening room to see if the circuit wires have a reversed hot/neutral. I'm not an expert in ES speakers, but if the speaker (or gear) power polarity i... | |
How to spot a high current amps? I don't think that "high current" describes an attribute or a particular amperage threshold that is to be surpassed. Look at it this way: a 50 wpc that can double down from 8 ohms to 4 ohms will put out much less current than a 500 wpc amp that ca... | |
Tone changes with volume True. Our ear canals, by their internal shape, are optimized for 2k to 4k frequencies - any thing above or below will very likely cause a change in tonal perception and (definitely) how we perceive relative loudness of certain frequencies. Of cour... | |
Blue Gas in Tubes - Why? Is it Bad? It's not a problem. The blue glow is caused by trace cobalt within the tube. Cobalt is a byproduct of the tooling process of sealing the glass. | |
capacitor explanation? Actually, "coupling" is a proper description. The capacitor couples two circuits together by the common capacitive reactance of both circuits. The capacitor provides current at the rate to keep the voltage across it constant, so a change in voltag... | |
Converting Mark Levinson gear from 240V to 120V Send it to Madrigal, please. That is what they recommend (if it was safe or easy, the procedure would be in the owner's manual). Poking around in power supplies of hefty SS amps is deceptively dangerous.Respectfully, and with no offense to anyone,... | |
Older home & 2 prong outlets, Help No Ground? If you have armored cable and metal outlet boxes behind the receptacles, then it's relatively easy - just replace the old receptacles with the ones of your choice. All boxes are standard, no matter how old.If you have cloth or rubber covered wires... | |
room treatments? is it the room that's bright? Tom, I would suggest that you obtain a Radio Shack SPL meter and a Stereophile (or similar test CD) and make readings over the entire audio frequency at both the listening position and from 1-foot from each speaker. This will tell you if the probl... | |
A new ploy for fraud? If this gentleman can write you a check drawn on a US bank, then that check is backed up by an account and routing number. Which means he can directly wire-transfer funds to his cohort in England. Or HE could cash his own check and wire away to En... |