
Responses from gritingrooves

A/D input levels with 24-bit - need to max out?
Ok, folks, while some of you feel I don't need to worry, given 24-bits, with maximizing the gain, the rest of you maintain that it still matters.I'm sure it does from a purist's point of view. If I was recording one or two records, I'd do it as ma... 
Pure Vinyl Software
Forgot to add, before recording my records I use a Nitty Gritty record cleaning machine. It's noisy when you use it, but great for cleaning before recording! Nothing better. 
Pure Vinyl Software
Forgot to add, before recording my records I use a Nitty Gritty record cleaning machine. It's noisy when you use it, but great for cleaning before recording! Nothing better. 
Pure Vinyl Software
Pure Vinyl looks really cool. I've already made some investments in my process of transferring 600 LP's to digital, though, so it's a rather pricey choice at this point for me.For what it's worth, just to put an alternative approach:Mac OS X/Mini ... 
A/D input levels with 24-bit - need to max out?
Thanks, a variety of opinions here, basically all over the map, I think.On one hand, with 24-bit, I can afford to not worry about maxing out the gain, but on the other hand I could lose a a lot.Just to underline, I'm recording at 24-bit. I know th... 
Record weight / clamp for Thorens MK II
Thanks, Joe,My problem with clamping is that it probably requires me to apply the clamp while the Turn table is turned off - either that or it would put a serious brake on the platter and belt in the process.While my Thorens is certainly designed ... 
Phono stage noise after some time
Nsgarch, thanks a lot, I'll look into this.I forgot to mention that the rest of my B&K pre-amp sounds fine - no noise at all. Just the phono stage is noisy. I looked inside recently and noted that it still looks like new in there.I use A/C par...