
Responses from grislybutter

Why are People Dumping their Audio Research Gear and What Does it Say about them?
You would have to slash the prices by 50% 5 times before it becomes affordable to an average middle class audio enthusiast. So pretty much never   
Is it possible for a high end manufacturer to overprice their goods?
fun fact: the most expensive speakers are made in a region, a fairly straight line from Switzerland to the Netherlands.  
Is it possible for a high end manufacturer to overprice their goods?
the average (audiophile) low end is $400 and the high end is 60K, based on ~70 brands. There are less than a few well known brands who make speakers for over a 100K. I would call them luxury priced, not overpriced   I think overpricing is more c... 
the big one: how do you choose speakers? By what features, data?
@mbmi  There is a fair amount of truth to your approach. It's all about what makes up the speaker's price. E.g. if it's a luxury brand and the speakers are all delivered and setup by a technician with a degree from MIT,  there will be a cost to t... 
the big one: how do you choose speakers? By what features, data?
@emrofsemanon thank you ! Midrange seems to be the common theme, and I very much agree with sensitivity  
the big one: how do you choose speakers? By what features, data?
@kokakolia  looks cool. Poland has some hidden gems!  
Best amp pairing for Focal Kanta 1s
and I would die for your H390 but you should get good $ for it  
Best amp pairing for Focal Kanta 1s
top of my list is Hegel, Parasound, Primare or Musical Fidelity  
Monitor audio platinum pl200 ii , revel f226be, or something else?
I owned a Monitor Audio Silver and heard a few Revel towers at a local dealer.  I sold the MA (sadly) they were just too clinical, thin bass, not too exciting - they would have been so much fun with a sub. But I can't imagine you would have any b... 
the big one: how do you choose speakers? By what features, data?
@dave_b yes, I know - I mean I can imagine. A very different category....  
Sonus Faber Grand Piano or Totem Forrest?
@soix good catch. Wow.   
the big one: how do you choose speakers? By what features, data?
@kokakolia nice teaser. WHAT IS IT????????!!!!!! :) btw I only heard and tried Klipsch towers and they all sounded dead to me  
Sonus Faber Grand Piano or Totem Forrest?
The Grand Piano was released over 25 years ago. How old are the ones you are looking at? I saw a few Grand Pianos in the past and was never too impressed whereas I fell in love with every Totem I have heard. I would read the stereophile reviews ... 
Storage boxes. Can I discard high end shipping boxes, and still sell in the future?
Also, it's like buying a car. You are not putting the thing through an X-ray before you to assess if it was properly taken care of, so you assess the condition based on a lot of little things. Preserving the box is one of those and as said before,... 
Why do almost all women today hate home audio?
The title of this post is so stupid, lame, embarrassing I wonder why anyone would comment on it.  And yet I just did too.