
Responses from grislybutter

Klipsch Forte McLaren Sale
@allenf1963  should not have been removed.... oh well, sorry. I am all for joking till I have a pulse, but as you say, you can't read the room here.   And yeah, this is one ugly speaker.   
Top two most important sound qualities
Details and upper midrange. You can tweak a lot of qualities but if these two are lacking, it won't please me.  
Top two most important sound qualities
what's the difference between imaging and soundstage depth? Isn't imaging depth and with? (and height?)  
Newest Audio Research News:
It's just another mysterious, probably maybe possibly good news. I'd be careful. We need more evidence that ARC is saved.   
the big one: how do you choose speakers? By what features, data?
@kokakolia I am not entirely clueless but closer to clueless than informed. I did the first round (~$500) about 8 years ago and the the $1500 level 2 years ago and now I am planning to enter the 3K territory (2K used). I understand what I like, ... 
Klipsch Forte McLaren Sale
@allenf1963 got it... Maybe I overreacted. Hard to know with so many trolls here what's a joke and what's a booby trap. PS: I am not a Clinton "groupie", that's not where I was coming from.  
Klipsch Forte McLaren Sale
@allenf1963 "nice" to inject politics into this, that we have been trying to steer clear from  
the big one: how do you choose speakers? By what features, data?
@lonemountain  these are very good points. Obviously I am still struggling to define it "on paper" - given my room size, budget, other components, listening preferences, come up with a list of good candidates. I don't go to audio shows and my loc... 
Advice on how to liquidate system
I like the idea of finding a friend or relative you trust, to lend them your gear. You would not have to see it every day and someone else would enjoy it. If things change, and  you want to give it a try, you can still take your gear back.    
What's your picks
@dz13 thank you, I have been collating a list of speaker brands, and speakers, that I plan to post shortly. Unfortunately I only have seen and heard a fraction of them  
the big one: how do you choose speakers? By what features, data?
yes, I know there is no cure. My next speakers will be the ones I will upgrade from. It sure will determine the direction. And I also noticed that size matters.     
the big one: how do you choose speakers? By what features, data?
@w123ale @thyname  Understood. It's fun. It's just that there are 70+ hifi speaker companies to choose from, price narrows it down to about 40, looks to another 20 and then I have to find a way to filter it further as to which ones I listen to.   
Is it possible for a high end manufacturer to overprice their goods?
@kokakolia  Surprisingly Sonus Faber pricing favors the mid-range, the more you pay the exponentially more value you get. There are two strategies: make the profit on the lower end vs the top end. Of course, with the sound, everyone's priorities... 
There's No Question
Tekton may be the best bang for the buck, by far. Their pricing is very aggressive. Comparable speakers cost at least twice as much.  The looks are a big issue to put it lightly. I would say: the #1 speakers in a dark room. :)  
the big one: how do you choose speakers? By what features, data?
@kokakolia  The Castles look like great value! Where do you find these deals?