
Responses from grislybutter

Adcom pre amp versus Van Alstine
apples (Gala) and apples (Heirloom)?   
Can we contribute
@hilde45 +1 I can't stand it when 3 youtubers review the same gear 1 day apart "randomly"  
RCA Victor records' quality
thank you guys @drbond @mijostyn , I noticed significant differences between the same albums from different labels but never such a unique and annoying sound as RCA Victor. Instruments just sound like throwing forks together. I somehow thought old... 
RCA Victor records' quality
thanks @lewm it's 33s. I guess this is not my kind of sound.  
Why "bookshelf" sspeakers?
@hilde45  yes, there are quite a few more  :)  
Why "bookshelf" sspeakers?
fun fact: here is a list of speakers that are too tall to be bookshelf and too short to be floorstanding:   brand model height mm MoFi SourcePoint 10 560 Wharfedale Linton 565 Devore Fide... 
Ultimate Turntable search...OMA K5 or ?
@lewm to be fair, I only referred to the K3. I think the K5 is stunning, a thing of beauty, and is straight out of an Art Deco postcard.   
Ultimate Turntable search...OMA K5 or ?
@lewm right.... no reason to argue about aesthetics and personal preferences... people buy it for the way it sounds.     
Ultimate Turntable search...OMA K5 or ?
Both harken back to Art Deco designs of the 30s. I am a big fan of Art Deco and its off-springs like the Bauhaus but IMHO the K3 is not Art Deco. You can call it art like you can call anything one creates art, regardless to me, visually, it's a... 
Happy Holidays to All
Some of you that I got to know this year are classy, kind, caring and last but not least very knowledgeable human beings, Merry Christmas!   
Speaker for 11x12 room
I would put it on the right wall first. Here is a list  of 2500-5000 USD speakers so that it may fit your budget used  
another rookie question - preamp or or power amp
@coltrane1 yes, several people suggested that. However I went down a path of buying inexpensive stuff that I am now trying to match with a higher quality component. (My wife thinks I am hoarding but I have seen my neighbor's garages.) It’s a fun ... 
another rookie question - preamp or or power amp
thanks @tomic601 Holiday spirit indeed :)  
another rookie question - preamp or or power amp
Parasound 2125 power amp, is NOT available at $400    
Table,cartridge,phono...where to put most of my money?
So if I’m reading correctly the general concensus is cartridges are priority one followed by phono amp then table? I don’t think "consensus" is word used often on these pages :) but I agree, mostly, with the caveat, repeated n times a day here....